On Monday, 26 October 2015 11:17:58 UTC-7, Christoph Ortner wrote:
> Fabian - Many thanks for your comments. This was very helpful.
> (c) if I want to write code now that shouldn't break with 0.5, what should 
>> I do?
> I think when you need a copy, just surround your getindex with a copy 
> function. (e.g. copy(x[:,10]) instead of x[:,10]). 
> But this would lead me to make two copies. I was more interested in seeing 
> whether there is a guideline on how to write code now so it doesn't have to 
> be rewritten for 0.5.
> you could do copy(sub(x, :, 10)) to avoid two copies. Not as pretty ;)

> My own scepticism comes from the idea that using immutable objects 
> throughout prevents bugs and one should only use mutable objects sparingly 
> (primarily for performance - but I thought it shouldn't be the default)
> the all immutable idea has its merits, but it is really not how Julia 
works already. If I pass the name of an array to a function I get a 
reference not a copy. I only get a copy of a slice of that same array at 
the moment which feels inconsistent to me. if your function accepts an 
array and you are mutating it in the body of the function I really don't 
like that

func(b[1:2, 3:4])

has different behavior if I am mutating the passed in array. This will be a 
source of far more bugs in my mind than simply having it so that if you 
mutate the passed in arguments to a function you are changing the 

Also I would hate to have to do


or some such thing when I have no plans to change a in my function (which 
for me is the farrrrrr more common case).

Ultimately I find that Julia treats us like consenting adults when it comes 
to passing objects to functions ... and the new array views behavior simply 
adds consistency.

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