but it has its own virtual machine ...
which could conceivably replace
the LLVM ties ... ?

... unless that is inconceivable.

i am glad that no one has rejected
the idea out of hand; further proof
that the Julia community is truly

On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 7:31:52 AM UTC-7, Jeff Bezanson wrote:
> Looks very cool! Of course I'd be interested in compiling julia's 
> frontend with something like this. We could badly use the extra speed. 
> I assume it supports macros, in which case I hope somebody makes a 
> library to undo the silly identifier renaming (e.g. defn -> define) so 
> it can run more scheme-like code. 
> This looks like a much more serious project than femtolisp, but I 
> would like to dispute the claim that it is "lightweight". From the 
> readme, it depends on python/pypy, libffi, libedit, libuv, and 
> libboost, and is 10MB which makes it literally 100 times larger than 
> femtolisp. 

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