I'll join in here as well. For years I've seen the mess associated with 
existing languages like C, C++, and Fortran as a very substantial 
impediment to students developing professional-level expertise in 
scientific computation, and in fact I've shied away from trying to teach 
what I know, because there's so much tedious overhead. 

But all of a sudden, I have a language I feel good about teaching, which my 
students like learning, and which won't limit them in the long run. As 
gentle a learning curve as Matlab, as general-purpose as Python, as 
powerful as Lisp, and as fast as C. And free. It's a totally winning 

Since attending JuliaCon2015 this summer I have transitioned my graduate 
numerical linear algebra course at U New Hampshire to Julia. I'll do 
undergrad numerical methods in Julia next fall, and over the next year or 
so I'll try to convince relevant departments that Julia belongs in our 
freshman/sophomore level intro to engineering computing courses. 

Many, many thanks to the Julia team for recognizing the need for a better 
language, and then for designing and implementing it so well. I'm really 


On Friday, October 30, 2015 at 12:52:11 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Malmaud wrote:
> Thanks Eric! 
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:31 PM Eric Forgy <eric....@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> I'm in the same boat as a grateful scientist/entrepreneur and thank all 
>> the Julia developers, but since we're at it, I want to say a special "Thank 
>> you" to YOU for all the work you've done on JuliaWeb. Requests.jl, in 
>> particular, is making my life much easier. It's become an invaluable tool 
>> for my team for testing our APIs (and I've learned a lot by watching the 
>> incremental improvements). We are still building up our Julia skills and 
>> hope we can start contributing back as well.
>> On Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 8:26:07 AM UTC+8, Jonathan Malmaud 
>> wrote:
>>> As someone who volunteers my free time to developing Julia, it means a 
>>> lot to hear that. 

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