It didn't throw any errors for me.

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.4.2-pre+1
Commit b8b3517* (2015-11-08 10:37 UTC)
Platform Info:
  System: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz
  BLAS: libopenblas (USE64BITINT DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Sandybridge)
  LAPACK: libopenblas64_
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-3.3


On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 08:17:33 AM Andrei Zh wrote:
> While investigating this issue we found that CUDArt and CURAND may behave
> differently on different platforms. Could somebody from user group with
> enabled CUDA try the following code in Julia REPL and report:
>  * operating system
>  * whether this code succeeded or failed; if failed, then what is the
> message.
> The code is (just copy and paste):
> Pkg.add("CUDArt")  # if it's not installed yet
> Pkg.add("CURAND")  # if it's not installed yet
> using CUDArt
> using CURAND
> rng = create_generator()
> d_a = curand(rng,Float64, 1000)
> destroy_generator(rng)
> a = to_host(d_a)
> device_reset()
> result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
> end
> rng = create_generator()
> d_a = curand(rng,Float64, 1000)
> destroy_generator(rng)
> a = to_host(d_a)
> device_reset()
> result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
> end
> The goal of this experiment is to see if cuRAND can survive after
> `cudaDeviceReset()`. So far it works on one Linux machine and fails on one
> Windows machine, so some statistics will be very helpful.
> Thanks.
> On Friday, November 6, 2015 at 10:46:54 PM UTC+3, Joaquim Masset Lacombe
> Dias Garcia wrote:
> > I was playing with the GPU (in both windows and mac) libraries and I came
> > up with the following errors:
> > The first time I execute the do loop, every thing goes well.
> > But If i try a second time in a row I get this invalid pointer error.
> > 
> > I got the same error in all my do loops, any ideas?
> > 
> > best,
> > Joaquim
> > 
> > *My code running on terminal:*
> > 
> > julia> using CUDArt
> > julia> using CURAND
> > julia> result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
> > 
> >            d_a = curand(Float32, 1000);
> >            a = to_host(d_a);
> >        
> >        end
> > 
> > 1000-element Array{Float64,1}:
> >  0.438451
> >  0.460365
> >  0.250215
> >  0.494744
> >  0.0530111
> >  0.337699
> >  0.396763
> >  0.874419
> >  0.482167
> >  0.0428398
> >  ?
> >  0.563937
> >  0.80706
> >  0.190015
> >  0.334969
> >  0.622164
> >  0.710596
> >  0.0125895
> >  0.990388
> >  0.467796
> >  0.24313
> > 
> > julia> result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
> > 
> >            d_a = curand(Float32, 1000);
> >            a = to_host(d_a);
> >        
> >        end
> > 
> > WARNING: CUDA error triggered from:
> >  in checkerror at
> > 
> > C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\libcudart-6.5.jl
> > 
> > :15
> > :
> >  in copy! at C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\arrays.jl:152
> >  in to_host at C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\arrays.jl:87
> >  in anonymous at none:3
> >  in devices at
> > 
> > C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\device.jl:61ERROR:
> > Launch failed, perhaps due to an invalid pointer
> > 
> >  in checkdrv at C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\module.jl:6
> >  in close at C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\device.jl:136
> >  in devices at C:\Users\joaquimgarcia\.julia\v0.4\CUDArt\src\device.jl:63

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