Asking questions is fine but please make an effort to be concise, and 
reduce your word count when you do so.

Parts of Git are implemented in shell, perl, and tcl/tk, in addition to C. 
These (mostly the shell script parts) require a posix environment to run on 
Windows, which Git 2.x now accomplishes by including a forked copy of an 
MSYS2 environment - a modified version of Cygwin. There are also many 
different sub-commands in git which on unix are generally just differently 
named symbolic links to the same executable, but Windows does not support 
symbolic links to files without changing a default security setting so in 
Git-for-Windows the subcommands have to be copies of the executable.

The generic Linux binaries actually do not include Git, you have to 
manually install Git through your distribution's package manager before you 
can use Julia's Pkg.

On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 11:20:15 AM UTC-8, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 3:53:06 PM UTC, Tony Kelman wrote:
>> No compiler. Git on Windows is several hundred MB.
> Wow, thanks for answering. Are you sure? If it's ok to ask in this 
> thread..:
> ["Add remove programs" shows Julia at 300 KB.. while in reality, Julia is 
> 460-470 MB.. at almost 6.300 files..]
> I just checked here:
> and git seems about 28 MB for the Windows version. That is probably 
> compressed (self-extracting archive), but I would be amazed if it would 
> decompress to 400 MB, and I see "only" actually 180-190 MB, any Idea why so 
> much larger than on Linux? On my Ubuntu Linux git package seems to be (not 
> compressed) 21.3 MB (not sure maybe it just has dependencies.. that have 
> more..).
> I'm guessing git is just one of the dependencies on Windows (as on Linux), 
> and that the as with "Generic Linux binaries", that is about the same size, 
> all the dependencies must be provided (then the compression is rather 
> good..). [I tried to reinstall Julia, to see if something would get 
> downloaded. Unless Windows has some cache (but I guess not, nothing similar 
> to a package manager yet..?), everything seems included.]
> I assume then that the .deb (or whatever else on Linux) is much smaller 
> (only with pointers to dependencies).
> I was thinking if I could distribute a Julia app that starts with 
> downloading (or bundled with) the Julia runtime (the Windows one if on that 
> platform, see another thread I made..) and half a gig seems kind of much to 
> install (or download in compressed form), even excluding the app itself..
> I know about the build_executable.jl (that I didn't get running..). I 
> assume that would trim this down by a lot, say for sure exclude git (seems 
> only relevant for developers)?
> Could you get by something close to like 191376 bytes for /usr/bin/julia 
> + 24197448 bytes for and not much else (except for the parts of 
> the Julia standard library (source code) that you actually use, say you are 
> not using BLAS etc.)?

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