You can use functions as variables, and that's far better than eval'ing a 
string. For example:

julia> filter(x->x>0, [1,2,-3,5])
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

See the manual section on "anonymous functions."


On Monday, November 30, 2015 06:35:59 AM NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> I need to plot data (D::DataFrame) during certain valve configurations.
> Each row of data has a corresponding status value for each valve
> (statuses.Valve#). First I have to find the periods of time where the
> valves were in that configuration. Then I can plot the chosen column of
> data (col::Symbol).
> As long as the method isn't too complicated I'm happy to change what I
> have. The method I talked about above works so I'm just looking something
> different/better to improve my Julia programming skills. Short of
> preprogramming all possible cases (time consuming and frustrating for all)
> I couldn't think of any other method that would be so broadly applicable.

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