Martin Fowler published a (rather long) blog post on the topic of 
refactoring code into data, which I think is a nice addition in this thread 
even though you already have a working solution:

His solution to this problem would have been to build a data model for the 
logic, and then a custom logic engine which can understand and make 
decisions based on the provided data. Perhaps overkill for this use case, 
but it's an interesting approach, IMO.

// T

On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 1:22:51 PM UTC+1, NotSoRecentConvert wrote:
> It worked quite well. Here is the latest version.
> function qcl_valve_plot(Dr::AbstractString,mindate::DateTime,maxdate::
> DateTime,dt::Dates.Period,col::Symbol,valveLogic::Function)
> ...
> # Valve Zones
> f4 = []
> f4 = find(valveLogic(statuses) .== true)
> One of the valveLogic examples, "(V3 & !(V1 & V2)) == true", would now be 
> x -> x.Valve3 & !(x.Valve1 & x.Valve2).
> Thanks for the tip.

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