Thank you for your replies, but i can not use tic() #my code toc() because 
all i want is a CPU time, and i can't use @time myFunction because it's in 
the middle of the function, see the matlab code below. I do t0=cputime; on 
the first line of my function and t = [t cputime-t0]; on the sixth line 
from the bottom.

Sadly i can not do the same thing in Julia, although 
here they are many macros concerning 
CPU time.

function [H,e,t]=func(A,H,maxiter,timelimit)

    t0    = cputime;
    [n,r] = size(H);
    e = []; t = [];
    iter = 1; x = zeros(1,4);
    if nargin < 3, maxiter   = 100; end
    if nargin < 4, timelimit = 60;  end    
    HHt = H*H';
    scaling = sum(sum(A.*HHt))/sum(sum(HHt.*HHt));
    H   = sqrt(scaling)*H; 
    while iter <= maxiter && cputime-t0 <= timelimit
        R  = A-H*H';   
        for k=1:r
            R  = R+H(:,k)*H(:,k)';
            dR = diag(R);         
            HtH = H(:,k)'*H(:,k);            
            for i=1:n               
                HtH = HtH-H(i,k)^2 ;
                a   = HtH-dR(i);
                b   = -(H(:,k)'*R(:,i) - H(i,k)*dR(i));
                Delta = 4*a^3+27*(b)^2;
                d = 0.5*(-b+sqrt(Delta/27));
                if Delta <= 0 
                    r3   = 2*(abs(d)^(1/3)); 
                    th3  = angle(d)/3;       
                    x(2) = r3*cos(th3);
                    x(3) = r3*cos(th3+(2*pi/3));
                    x(4) = r3*cos(th3+(4*pi/3));
                    x       = x(x>=0);
                    [~,ind] = min(x.^4/4+a*x.^2/2 + b*x);
                    H(i,k)  = x(ind);
                    HtH     = HtH + H(i,k)^2;
                    z       = sign(d)*(abs(d))^(1/3);
                    val     = z-a/(3*z);
                    if val.^4/4+a*val.^2/2 + b*val<0 && val >= 0
                        HtH    = HtH + val^2;
                        H(i,k) = val;
                        H(i,k) = 0;

        if nargout >=2

            t = [t cputime-t0];

            e = [e 0.5*norm(A-H*H','fro')^2];
        iter = iter + 1;

On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 21:28:28 UTC+1, Lytu wrote:
> Hello Julia users,
> Can someone tell me what's the equivalent of matlab elapsed cputime in 
> Julia
> For example i Matlab, we can do this:
>    t = cputime;
>    x=4;
>    iter = 1; 
>    z = ones(1,4);
>    y=x*2*z;
> e = cputime-t
> But in Julia i don't seem to find how to do this. I thought i can use 
>    t=time()
>    x=4;
>    iter = 1; 
>    z = ones(1,4);
>    y=x*2*z;
>    e=time()-t
> But time() in Julia is not the elapsed CPU time, it's a wall clock time.
> Can someone help me?
> Thank you

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