A thing that works well in R is that arguments to functions have
a separate markup. When you use e.g. roxygen to write documentation, the
@params and @return elements make it clear what is what. This is
something I find lacking in Julia / Lexicon.jl

(and implementing it goes very much over my head)

This being said, I find the julia manual superior to R documentation:
the fact that all functions doing similare things are on the same page
made me realize there are better alternatives often.


Michael Borregaard (12/02 05:08):
> Maybe a good time to repost this link: 
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#improving-documentation
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FJuliaLang%2Fjulia%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FCONTRIBUTING.md%23improving-documentation&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFSu7VhGC5GE6j_5KDAKIdtnBsG4Q>
> As I understand it, the julia documentation format is still an evolving 
> entity. Google-searching in R works well because of the massive number of 
> google searches / site visits to R pages. When I started using R, during my 
> PhD in 2006, it was almost impossible to google R functions, and there were 
> all kinds of (not very functional) search engines to bring up R results. 
> Today everybody just googles it. I feel completely confident that julia 
> will have the same development, and a lot faster.
> Den fredag den 12. februar 2016 kl. 13.16.08 UTC+1 skrev J Luis:
> >
> > One main 'dislike' I find in the documentation is that, contrary to Matlab 
> > and R examples that have one page for each function, in julia we have lots 
> > of functions per page with short and often cryptic descriptions. Example
> >
> > std(*v*[, *region*])
> >
> > Compute the sample standard deviation of a vector or array v, optionally 
> > along dimensions in region.
> >
> > To have longer and, VERY IMPORTANT, usage examples one need a per function 
> > page manual.
> >
> > sexta-feira, 12 de Fevereiro de 2016 às 11:10:54 UTC, Milan Bouchet-Valat 
> > escreveu:
> >>
> >> Le vendredi 12 février 2016 à 09:51 +0100, Michele Zaffalon a écrit : 
> >> > But the original point is still valid: using the search box in the 
> >> > official documentation page http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4, 
> >> > searching for "standard deviation" does not bring up any useful hit, 
> >> > despite the fact that Base.std is fairly well documented and contains 
> >> > the words standard deviation. 
> >> > Is there a reason why it should work at the REPL but not in the 
> >> > webpage? 
> >> Searching for "deviation" works, so it's quite mysterious that 
> >> "standard deviation" doesn't... Looks like a bug in the Sphinx search 
> >> engine. 
> >>
> >> Google's behavior is really weird too. Even a query like "standard 
> >> deviation julia site:docs.julialang.org" gives the manual page home for 
> >> the standard library first (even if it doesn't contain "deviation"), as 
> >> well as pages mentioning "standard error". Maybe some pages are not 
> >> indexed at all? Could something be tweaked in the Sphinx configuration? 
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards 
> >>
> >> > 
> >> > On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Mauro <maur...@runbox.com> wrote: 
> >> > > Also at the Julia REPL: 
> >> > > 
> >> > >     julia> apropos("standard deviation") 
> >> > >     randn! 
> >> > >     stdm 
> >> > >     std 
> >> > >     randn 
> >> > > 
> >> > >     help?> std 
> >> > >     search: std stdm STDIN STDOUT STDERR setdiff setdiff! hist2d 
> >> > > hist2d! stride strides StridedArray StridedVector StridedMatrix 
> >> > > StridedVecOrMat redirect_stdin 
> >> > > 
> >> > >       std(v[, region]) 
> >> > > 
> >> > >       Compute the sample standard deviation of a vector or array v, 
> >> > > optionally along dimensions in region. The algorithm returns an 
> >> > > estimator of the generative 
> >> > >       distribution's standard deviation under the assumption that 
> >> > > each entry of v is an IID drawn from that generative distribution. 
> >> > > This computation is equivalent to 
> >> > >       calculating sqrt(sum((v - mean(v)).^2) / (length(v) - 1)). 
> >> > > Note: Julia does not ignore NaN values in the computation. For 
> >> > > applications requiring the handling of 
> >> > >       missing data, the DataArray package is recommended. 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Having said this, documentation always needs improvements and is 
> >> > > certainly not on Matlab's level of completeness.  Please contribute 
> >> > > where you find it lacking.  See 
> >> > > https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#impr 
> >> > > oving-documentation 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 09:18, NotSoRecentConvert <giz...@gmail.com> 
> >> > > wrote: 
> >> > > > You can even download the entire thing as a PDF, HTML, or EPUB if 
> >> > > you want 
> >> > > > to highlight, annotate, or bookmark your most searched functions. 
> >> > > Look in 
> >> > > > the lower right of the page for "v: latest" and click it for more 
> >> > > options. 
> >> > > > 
> >> > > > On Friday, February 12, 2016 at 8:03:27 AM UTC+1, Lutfullah Tomak 
> >> > > wrote: 
> >> > > >> 
> >> > > >> There is this one 
> >> > > >> 
> >> > > >> http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/stdlib/math/#Base.std 
> >> > > >> 
> >> > > >> Instead of google, I use this manual for search. 
> >> > > >> 
> >> > > >> 
> >> > > 
> >>
> >

Timothée Poisot, Ph.D.
Professeur adjoint
Quantitative and Computational Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
Université de Montréal

WEB      http://poisotlab.io/
TWITTER  @PoisotLab

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