That loop is not proper julia syntax (i.e., this issue has nothing to do with 

julia> global s

julia> s = 0

julia> s = for i = 1:10
           s = s+1

julia> s

julia> s == nothing


On Friday, February 12, 2016 08:51:47 AM Joaquim Masset Lacombe Dias Garcia 
> Can I have a standard julia "for loop" inside a "device do" of CUDArt?
> I tried the following example:
> using CUDArt, MyCudaModule
> nrow = 10
> ncol = 3000
> mat = ones(Float64,nrow,ncol)
> out1 = zeros(Float64,nrow)
> vec = Float64[1:nrow;]
> out2 = zeros(Float64,nrow)
> d_mat  = CudaArray(mat)
> d_out1 = CudaArray(out1)
> d_vec  = CudaArray(vec)
> d_out2 = CudaArray(out2)
> d_nrow = CudaArray(Int32[nrow;])
> d_ncol = CudaArray(Int32[ncol;])
> result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
>     MyCudaModule.init(devlist) do dev
>         blocks = 1
>         threads = nrow
>         global result = 0
>         result = for i in 1:10
>             MyCudaModule.cudaSumCol(d_out1,d_mat,d_ncol,blocks,threads)
>             result = to_host(d_out1)[1]
>         end
>     end
> end
> cudaSumCol is a function ta simply sums a matrix´s entries convetring it
> into a column, it was wrapped just like the example on CUArt´s README.
> the above code without the loop part work just perfectly.
> Should I try something different, like not using the do devlist?
> thanks,
> Joaquim

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