On Friday, February 12, 2016 08:30:26 PM Joaquim Dias Garcia wrote:
> Is there any way around it?
> I was planning a monte-carlo code, but all the iteration rely on some huge
> amount of data which is always the same. So sending it back and forth to
> the device would be a bottleneck...

Again, you can use loops, you just have to write your code in a way that is 
actually valid syntax. Something like this:

result = devices(dev->capability(dev)[1]>=2) do devlist
    MyCudaModule.init(devlist) do dev
        result = Array(T, n)
        d_mat = CudaArray(mat)
        # more allocation here...
        for i = 1:n
            result[i] = my_calculation(d_mat, othervariables, i)

The problem with your old version is that `result = for i = 1:n...` is not 
supported syntax in julia.


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