Mike and Tom, thanks!  And yes, the other Mike needs mentioning too, I
updated that footnote.

On Wed, 2016-02-17 at 17:44, Michael Hatherly <michaelhathe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for writing that up Mauro and also the shout-out :) Worth noting
> Mike Innes' important work in getting the docsystem integrated into `Base`
> and his
> heroic effort converting most of the docs from rst to markdown as well.
> On a technical note, Lexicon doesn't actually use the docsystem in `Base`
> at all and still relies on Docile's own implementation currently, so it's
> possible
> that people may start to run into problems with this approach on 0.5 as it
> further diverges from 0.3/0.4. (Do open issues if they happen to crop up
> though and I'll do my best to keep things working as long as possible.)
> Future work using the `Base` docsystem for documentation generation is
> moving
> ahead, when time allows, in a separate
> package, https://github.com/MichaelHatherly/Lapidary.jl.
> -- Mike
> On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 17:13:38 UTC+2, Mauro wrote:
>> Until a few days ago, I was a bit confused on how to go about writing
>> nice package documentation, including API-docs.  I figured it out and it
>> turned out to be pretty trivial, once I knew how.  I wrote it up in case
>> someone else is confused (or I become confused again):
>> http://maurow.bitbucket.org/notes/documenting-a-julia-package.html
>> (feedback welcome)
>>   Mauro

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