
I made a chart for languages developed on github  
(https://github.com/showcases/programming-languages) contrasting the 
acquisition of new contributors to main github repository (GH) with new 
tagged questions on stackoverflow (SO). 

One of the tenets of the Julia community is that the "two language problem" 
hinders the development of language ecosystems: the users of a language 
have limited means of contributing to the ecosystem if development of the 
language itself and its libraries has to resort to lower level programming 
languages for various of reasons.  Then there is the frequent issue whether 
the "ecosystem" is mature or if it shows sustainable rate of growth. For 
julia I often see that there is a very natural transition from the first 
install to the first commit to JuliaLang/julia. 

The charts show "tagged questions per month on stackoverflow" and "first 
commits by users who never commited before per month", identified by unique 
username, so counting Jeff four or five times. There are some patterns, 
like languages of theoretical interest (dylan), mature languages in wide 
use with small teams (ruby) or languages attracting new developers at a 
high rate while gaining traction in the public at a later point (elixir). 
Nice to see that julia is welcoming new contributors at a top rate.

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