
To recompile julia, just type "make" from the command line. If you've 
downloaded a binary, this won't work: you have to build from source.

Given that there's package precompilation, it's not usually "using XYZ" that's 
slow anymore: it's usually the first usage of the functions in the package. You 
might want to check SnoopCompile.jl.


On Sunday, March 20, 2016 08:30:21 AM Lewis Lehe wrote:
> Hi I am new to Julia and trying to pre-compile modules with the userimg.jl
> file, to speed up loading. There are instructions of various dates around
> online. But none seem complete.
> I am looking for step-by-step instructions on setting this up in OSX. I
> think that would be helpful for a good number of people.
> In the Documentation it says "To create a custom system image that can be
> used to start julia with the -J option, recompile Julia after modifying the
> file base/userimg.jl to require the desired modules."
> So I went into base/ and created a file, userimg.jl, that looks like this
> Base.require("Gadfly")
> Base.require("DataFrames")
> Base.require("PyPlot")
> Now I don't know what I would enter in the terminal to recompile Julia
> itself.
> Also, once it works, will I be able to start julia with the -J option if I
> am using Jupyter notebook?

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