First of all, have a look at the result. <>
My code calculates the evolution of 1-d 2-electron system in the electric field, some variables are calculated during the evolution. According to the result of @time evolution, my code must have a pre-allocation problem. Before you see the long code, i suggest that the hotspot might be around the Arrays prop_e, \phio, pp. I have learnt that I can use m = Array(Float64, 1) outside a "for" loop and empty!(m) and push!(m, new_m) inside the loop to pre-allocate the variable m, but in my situations, I don't know how to pre-allocate these arrays. Below is the script (precisely, the main function) itself. function evolution(ϕ::Array{Complex{Float64}, 2}, ele::Array{Float64, 1}, dx::Float64, dt::Float64, flags::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64}) ϕg = copy(ϕ) FFTW.set_num_threads(8) ns = length( ϕ[:, 1] ) x = get_x(ns, dx) p = get_p(ns, dx) if flags[4] == 1 pp = similar(p) A = -cumsum(ele) * dt A² = A.*A ##### splitting r_sp = 150.0 δ_sp = 5.0 splitter = Array(Float64, ns, ns) end nt = length( ele ) # ##### Pre-allocate result and temporary arrays #if flags[1] == 1 σ = zeros(Complex128, nt) #end #if flags[2] == 1 a = zeros(Float64, nt) #end #if flags[3] == 1 r_ionization = 20.0 n1 = round(Int, ns/2 - r_ionization/dx) n2 = round(Int, ns/2 + r_ionization/dx) ip = zeros(Float64, nt) #end ##### FFT plan p_fft! = plan_fft!( similar(ϕ), flags=FFTW.MEASURE ) prop_x = similar( ϕ ) prop_p = similar( prop_x ) prop_e = similar( prop_x ) # this two versions just cost the same time xplusy = Array(Float64, ns, ns) #xplusy = Array( Float64, ns^2) ##### absorb boundary r_a = ns * dx /2 - 50.0 δ = 10.0 absorb = Array(Float64, ns, ns) k0 = 2π / (ns * dx) @inbounds for j in 1:ns @inbounds for i in 1:ns prop_x[i, j] = exp( -im * get_potential(x[i], x[j]) * dt / 2 ) prop_p[i, j] = exp( -im * (p[i]^2 + p[j]^2)/2 * dt ) xplusy[i, j] = x[i] + x[j] absorb[i, j] = (1.0 - get_out(x[i], r_a, δ ))* (1.0 - get_out(x[j], r_a, δ)) end end if flags[2] == 1 pvpx = Array(Float64, ns, ns) @inbounds for j in 1:ns @inbounds for i in 1:ns pvpx[i, j] = get_pvpx(x[i], x[j]) end end end if flags[4] == 1 ϕo = zeros(Complex128, ns, ns) ϕp = zeros(Complex128, ns, ns) @inbounds for j in 1:ns @inbounds for i in 1:ns splitter[i, j] = get_out(x[i], r_sp, δ_sp) * get_out(x[j], r_sp, δ_sp) end end end for i in 1:nt for j in eachindex(ϕ) prop_e[j] = exp( -im * ele[i] * xplusy[j] * dt/2.0) end for j in eachindex(ϕ) ϕ[j] *= prop_x[j] * prop_e[j] end p_fft! * ϕ for j in eachindex(ϕ) ϕ[j] *= prop_p[j] end p_fft! \ ϕ for j in eachindex(ϕ) ϕ[j] *= prop_x[j] * prop_e[j] end ########## autocorrelation function σ(t) if flags[1] == 1 for j in eachindex(ϕ) σ[i] += conj(ϕg[j]) * ϕ[j] end end ########## dipole acceleration a(t) if flags[2] == 1 for j in eachindex(ϕ) a[i] += abs(ϕ[j])^2 * (pvpx[j] + 2ele[i]) end end ########## ionization probability ip(t) if flags[3] == 1 for j1 in n1:n2 for j2 in 1:ns ip[i] += abs( ϕ[j2+ns*(j1-1)] )^2 end end for j1 in [1:n1-1; n2+1:ns] for j2 in n1:n2 ip[i] += abs( ϕ[j2+ns*(j1-1)] )^2 end end end ########## get momentum if flags[4] == 1 for j in eachindex(ϕo) ϕo[j] = ϕ[j] * splitter[j] * exp( -im * A[i]*xplusy[j] ) end for j in eachindex(p) pp[j] = p[j]^2 /2 * (nt-i) - p[j] *sum( A[i:nt] ) + sum( A²[1:nt] ) /2 end for j2 in 1:ns for j1 in 1:ns ϕo[j1, j2] = ϕo[j1, j2] * exp( -im * (pp[j1] + pp[j2]) * dt) end end p_fft! * ϕo for j in eachindex(ϕp) ϕp[j] += ϕo[j] end end ########## absorb boundary if mod(i, 300) == 0 for j in eachindex(ϕ) ϕ[j] *= absorb[j] end end if (mod(i, 500) == 0) println("i = $i") flush(STDOUT) end end σ *= dx^2 a *= dx^2 ip *= dx^2 save("data/fs.jld", "ϕ", ϕ) if flags[1] == 1 save("data/sigma.jld", "σ", σ) end if flags[2] == 1 save("data/a.jld", "a", a) end if flags[3] == 1 save("data/ip.jld", "ip", ip) end if flags[4] == 1 save("data/pf.jld", "ϕp", ϕp) end #return σ, a, ip, ϕ nothing end