In that case, try sorting the tasks in descending order of complexity (i.e. 
start longest running tasks first).

On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 9:23:56 AM UTC+10, Thomas Covert wrote:

> Its hard to construct a MWE without the data I am using, but I can give a 
> bit more detail.  
> There are 20 workers and about 4200 elements in lst, so using your 
> terminology, I've got many more tasks than workers.  If lst were sorted by 
> complexity (its not, I randomized the order), the complexity of item i is 
> roughly cubic in i.
> On Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 4:29:16 PM UTC-5, Greg Plowman wrote:
>> It's difficult to comment without knowing more detail about numbers of 
>> workers, their relative speed, number of tasks and their expected 
>> completion times.
>> As an extreme example, say you have 4 workers (all of the same speed) and 
>> 2x15-minute tasks and 16x1-minute tasks.
>> Depending on how this is scheduled, this will take between 15 to 19 
>> minutes. Optimally:
>> Worker 1: 15
>> Worker 2: 15
>> Worker 3: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
>> Worker 4: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
>> After 8 minutes, workers 3 and 4 will be idle, and remain idle for the 
>> remaining 7 minutes before workers 1 and 2 finish.
>> I had a similar problem where I had fast and slow workers, and initially 
>> split the work into a number of tasks similar to the number of workers.
>> This left an overhang similar to what you describe.
>> In my case more granularity helped. Splitting into many tasks so that 
>> #tasks >> #workers helped.
>> On Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 2:21:28 AM UTC+10, Thomas Covert wrote:
>>> The manual suggests that pmap(f, lst) will dynamically "feed" elements 
>>> of lst to the function f as each worker completes its previous assignment, 
>>> and in my read of the code for pmap, this is indeed what it does.
>>> However, I have found that, in practice, many of the workers that I spin 
>>> up for pmap tasks are idle for the last, say, half of the total time needed 
>>> to complete the task.  In my pmap usage, it is the case that the complexity 
>>> of the workload varies across elements of lst, so that some elements should 
>>> take a long time to compute (say, 15 minutes on a core of my machine) and 
>>> others a short time (less than 1 minute).  Knowing about this heterogeneity 
>>> and observing this pattern of idle workers after about half of the work is 
>>> done would normally lead me to think that pmap is scheduling workers ahead 
>>> of time, not dynamically.  Some workers will get "lucky" and have easier 
>>> than average workload, and others are unlucky and have harder workload.  At 
>>> the end of the calculation, only the unlucky workers are still working. 
>>>  However, this isn't what pmap is doing, so I'm kinda confused. 
>>> Am I crazy?  The documentation for pmap says that it is scheduling tasks 
>>> dynamically and I am pre-randomizing the order of work in lst so that 
>>> worker 1 doesn't get easier tasks, in expectation, than worker N.  Or is it 
>>> more likely that I've got a bug somewhere?

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