Dear all,

I am proud to announce Cuba.jl <> a 
library for multidimensional numerical integration with four independent 
algorithms: Vegas, Suave, Divonne, and Cuhre (this algorithm is the same 
used in Cubature.jl).  This package is just a wrapper around Cuba Library 
<>, written in C by Thomas Hahn.

Cuba.jl is a registered Julia package, so you can install it with the 
package manager:


The package is usable, but I must admit user interface is not optimal.  One 
has to define a function of this type:

function integrand(ndim::Cint, xx::Ptr{Cdouble}, ncomp::Cint, ff::Ptr{
    # Take arrays from "xx" and "ff" pointers.
    x = pointer_to_array(xx, (ndim,))
    f = pointer_to_array(ff, (ncomp,))
    # Do calculations on "f" here
    #   ...
    # Store back the results to "ff"
    ff = pointer_from_objref(f)
return Cint(0)::Cint

and then call one of the four integrator functions available with this 

Vegas(integrand, ndim, ncomp[, keywords...])
Suave(integrand, ndim, ncomp[, keywords...])
Divonne(integrand, ndim, ncomp[, keywords...])
Cuhre(integrand, ndim, ncomp[, keywords...])

Issue #3 <> tracks this 
problem, if someone wants to help on this is warmly welcome.

Documentation of the package is available at 
and you can also download the PDF version of the manual from  In particular, 
there is a section with some useful examples:

Even though Cuba.jl does not support parallelization (see issue #1 
<>), its performance is 
comparable with those of equivalent codes written in C or Fortran relying 
on Cuba Library:

Cuba.jl is released under the terms of LGPLv3 and is available for 
GNU/Linux and OS X (Windows support is currently missing 
<>, Cubature.jl is a better 
alternative for that platform).

Feel free to share your comments and suggestions on this package!


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