Hi Oliver,

2016-04-12 21:38 GMT+02:00 Oliver Schulz <oliver.sch...@tu-dortmund.de>:
> Very nice, Mose! I thought I might have to write a Julia wrapper for Cuba at
> some point, but you beat me to it (which I'm grateful for!). :-)


> I noticed that you're maintaining a modified version of Cuba for this - I
> guess because the upstream Cuba doesn't support "make shared"?

Yes, exactly, these are the differences with vanilla Cuba Library:
https://github.com/giordano/cuba/compare/julia  Only configure and
makefile are involved.

> Are you in
> contact with Thomas? He may be willing to add that - if you like, I can ask,
> his office is two floors up from mine. ;-)

I had been in contact with him in the past, and I think I'll contact
him very soon again.


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