Python has similar rules.

x = 10 
def foo(): 
    print x
    x = 5 
    print x 

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'x' referenced before assignment

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 1:52:23 PM UTC+1, Didier Verna wrote:
> Mauro < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Maybe you can be a bit more explicit in what you mean, examples would 
> > help too. 
>   Sorry for the fuzziness. This is an example of what I mean: 
> let 
>   x = 10 
> end 
> here, the same expression "x = 10" will either assign a new value to x 
> if such a /global/ exists, or create a new /local/ binding. This is 
> already bad enough[1]. Then, begin/end behaves differently. Then, "if" 
> doesn't introduce a new block, but some others constructs do, and some 
> don't. And then, some like "for" do or don't, it depends. 
> Now even worse: 
> x = 10 
> function foo() 
>   println(x) 
>   x = 5 
>   println(x) 
> end 
> will break on the first println (one could expect to get 10, the global 
> value for x) because since there is an assignment /later on/, a new 
> /local/ binding will be created for x (which BTW is the exact opposite 
> of what let does!), but this binding isn't available to the first 
> println. And also, since a variable cannot switch from global to local 
> (or vice-versa) in the same block, the intuition (well, mine anyway ;-)) 
> that after the assignment, the scoping changes, is wrong. 
> And then, as you mention, nested functions will behave yet 
> differently. All of this looks really bad. 
> So IMHO, the real problem is that there are two distinct concepts: 
> assigning a new value to an existing binding, and creating a new 
> binding, possibly with an initial assignment. These are separate things 
> and mixing the two in such ways is wrong, and also quite surprising, 
> knowing the lispy side of this language. 
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  consider that a simple typo in your code may lead to silently 
> creating a new variable, which will never be used. 
> -- 
> ELS'16 registration open! 
> Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: 

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