Jeff Bezanson <> wrote:

> Yes, one could argue that a `for` loop variable should always be a new
> variable, but that does make the constructs less orthogonal.

  It's funny that you see this as less orthogonal, considering that, as
  Stefan pointed out, your "for" index will leak its final
  value. Consider for example embedding a for loop in a macro, and the
  risk for variable capture. Sounds pretty anti-orthogonal to me...

> In any case I don't see how this is "do or don't, it depends". Depends
> on what?

  Is the i in for(i=1:3) local to the loop? It depends (on whether there
  is an outer i or not).

  Does assignment create a binding? It depends (on the construct you're
  in). E.g.
  julia> if true; k = 10 end # -> 10
  julia> k # -> 10
  julia> let; l = 10 end # -> 10
  julia> l # -> ERROR: UndefVarError: l not defined

  Does assignment in a function create a local binding? It depends (on
  whether the function is nested).


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