суббота, 14 мая 2016 г., 9:09:16 UTC+10 пользователь Андрей Логунов написал:
> In my Win10, when reading an RDataset with NA into a DataFrames table the 
> console shows the missing data as NaNs, hence the standard dropna function 
> ceases to filter. Are there any clues as to how to tackle this? Filter func 
> operates on only Array type, not DataFrame type.

To add, fiddling with array comprehensions as per the problem with NaNs 
found a buggy thing.
The following code does not work:

[x for x in filter(!isnan, convert(Array,dataframe[:fld]))] 

But this does:

notisnan(x) = !isnan(x); 
[x for x in filter(notisnan, convert(Array,dataframe[:fld]))] 

This breaks the logic, somehow. The first one would be more natural.

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