
Here's my first try restricted to Float64:

function replaceNaN(df)
  nrows, ncols = size(df)
  for row in 1:nrows
    for col in 1:ncols
 v = df[row,col]
      if typeof(v) == Float64 && isnan(v)
        df[row,col] = NA

Am looking for an ideomatic and concise way.

2016-05-14 18:58 GMT+10:00 Tamas Papp <>:

> Also, in the meantime, you can use something like
> function nan2na(df)
>     for c in eachcol(df)
>         nans = find(x->isa(x,AbstractFloat) && isnan(x),c[2])
>         df[nans,c[1]] = NA
>     end
>     df
> end
> nan2na(mlmf)
> to convert NaNs to NAs.
> Best,
> Tamas
> On Sat, May 14 2016, Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> > Le samedi 14 mai 2016 à 17:49 +1000, Андрей Логунов a écrit:
> >> using RDatasets, DataFrames
> >> mlmf = dataset("mlmRev","Gcsemv");
> >>
> >> Produces
> >>
> >> │ 1  │ "20920" │ "16"  │ "M"  │ 23.0  │ NaN  │
> >> │ 2  │ "20920" │ "25"  │ "F"  │ NaN   │ 71.2  │
> >> │ 3  │ "20920" │ "27"  │ "F"  │ 39.0  │ 76.8  │
> >> │ 4  │ "20920" │ "31"  │ "F"  │ 36.0  │ 87.9  │
> >> │ 5  │ "20920" │ "42"  │ "M"  │ 16.0  │ 44.4  │
> >> │ 6  │ "20920" │ "62"  │ "F"  │ 36.0  │ NaN  │
> >> │ 7  │ "20920" │ "101"  │ "F"  │ 49.0  │ 89.8  │
> >> │ 8  │ "20920" │ "113"  │ "M"  │ 25.0  │ 17.5  │
> >> │ 9  │ "20920" │ "146"  │ "M"  │ NaN   │ 32.4  │
> >> │ 10  │ "22520" │ "1"   │ "F"  │ 48.0  │ 84.2  │
> >> │ 11  │ "22520" │ "7"   │ "M"  │ 46.0  │ 66.6  │
> >>
> >>
> >> Should be NAs but here we have NaNs
> > Thanks for the reproducible example. Please file an issue on GitHub
> > against RDatasets.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >> 2016-05-14 17:22 GMT+10:00 Tamas Papp <>:
> >> > Again: please provide a self-contained example.
> >> >
> >> > On Sat, May 14 2016, Андрей Логунов wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > The misuse of the word is all mine.
> >> > > But the problem persists. RDatasets in Win10 produce NaN-values
> >> > for
> >> > > unvailable values (NAs) as compared to Unices.
> >> > > So the funcs dropna() and complete_cases() 'do not work' as
> >> > needed? no
> >> > > filtering done. As I understand Complete_cases() uses a bitarray.
> >> > But is
> >> > > there a shortcut?
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > суббота, 14 мая 2016 г., 16:26:01 UTC+10 пользователь Tamas Papp
> >> > написал:
> >> > >>
> >> > >> On Sat, May 14 2016, Андрей Логунов wrote:
> >> > >>
> >> > >> > To add, fiddling with array comprehensions as per the problem
> >> > with NaNs
> >> > >> > found a buggy thing.
> >> > >> > The following code does not work:
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > [x for x in filter(!isnan, convert(Array,dataframe[:fld]))]
> >> > >>
> >> > >> This is not a bug. ! does not operate on functions, only on
> >> > concrete
> >> > >> values (Bitarray, Bool, etc).
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Also, even if you find a bug, "does not work" is unlikely to get
> >> > you any
> >> > >> help without an error message and preferably a self-contained
> >> > example.
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Best,
> >> > >>
> >> > >> Tamas
> >> > >>
> >> >
> >> >

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