Hi Tom, thanks for the reply, and just to be clear, I love your work on 
Plots, not trying to complain, just discussing a long-term usability point.

I don't fully understand the mechanisms under the covers that open a UI 
window. This is via Electron I presume?

You're certainly correct that a UI window popping up in an IJulia context 
would constitute very unexpected behavior.

But is there no way to distinguish between plotting to a file vs. plotting 
within an IJulia context. vs. REPL vs. command line execution (which might 
best default to REPL behavior)?

It seems like plotting to a file would require a save-to-file argument, and 
the difference between an IJulia context and otherwise could be detected. 
 But I'm pretty new to this, so I don't know what is or isn't possible.

I also meant this question to address all such UI windows. For example, 
with the Images module, I would hope for a consistent "standard" approach 
across Julia packages, which is context aware. For example, I would hope 
that both `view(myimage)` and `view(myimage);` from the ImageView module 
would pop up a window in the REPL, and command line, and automatically 
display in-line in IJulia (I think save-to-file isn't relevant in that 

After installing the ImageView, Image, and TestImage package, it does in 
fact work in the REPL as I suggested, but unexpectedly pops up a UI window 
in IJulia, so in that case the user gets the unexpected behavior that 
you're commenting on. However even that is many times better than a silent 
failure, as far as unexpected behavior goes. If there's a switch in there 
to display inline in IJulia it's now clear to me that I need to go find it, 
but with silent failure, troubleshooting is many times harder. And as 
STAR0SS mentioned, it ends up feeling buggy to a an uninitiated user.


On Sunday, May 22, 2016 at 3:51:40 AM UTC-7, Tom Breloff wrote:
> If you have suggestions for the docs, I'm all ears, but I think the 
> default behavior is here to stay. There are too many scenarios where a gui 
> window is not what you want... Writing to a png, inline plotting in IJulia, 
> etc, and it already displays automatically when returned to the repl. 
> On Sunday, May 22, 2016, David Parks <davidp...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> function test(); for i=1:2; plot(); end; end; test()    # Another 
>> favorite gotcha, plot in a loop mysteriously and silently acted 
>> differently than plot outside of a loop

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