plt[:show](), display(), or whatever is a minor nuisance so if it's the 
developers' wishes that it is so then so be it. I would feature it 
prominently in the documentation of the various plotting packages though. 

plot()  -  Create a plot object in the background which can be later 
displayed with display()

A note about the differences between environments would also be important.

The coding environment will also effect the usage of plot(). In the REPL or 
using Atom/Juno plot() creates a plot in the background whereas IJulia 
immediately displays the results inline. If an environment is not 
displaying a plot as expected try using display() or checking the defaults 
of the plotting package.

Chris' suggestion about putting something in "Noteworthy Differences from 
Other Languages" is good too.

Tom, in what way am I forcing my perspective? Some portion of the Julia 
community will see it this way so it's important to take it into 

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