Thanks for the answer.

I don't intend to use any package, only use my array so I can confirm that I will not have dynamic memory allocation (let's hope that I'm true ;) ). But even in this case Julia itself may do allocations, so my question would be more: if there is nearly nothing to do, is the GC fast ? I already read many topics about GC and yes, even if there was very good improvements, is it enough for my case ?

In the worst case Julia will be for testing and will only call the main loop in C++.

Le 30/05/2016 14:10, Uwe Fechner a écrit :
I think, that would be difficult.

As soon as you use any packages for image conversion or estimation you have to assume that they use dynamic memory allocation.

The garbage collector of Julia is fast, but not suitable for hard real-time requirements. Implementing a garbage collector for hard real-time applications is possible, but a lot of work and will probably not happen in the near future.

Their was an issue on this topic, that was closed as "won't fix":


On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 12:00:13 PM UTC+2, John leger wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    I am working in astronomy and we are thinking of using Julia for a
    real time, high performance adaptive optics system on a solar

    This is how the system is supposed to work:
       1) the image is read from the camera
       2) some correction are applied
       3) the atmospheric turbulence is numerically estimated in order
    to calculate the command to be sent to the deformable mirror

    The overall process should be executed in less than 1ms so that it
    can be integrated to the chain (closed loop).

    Do you think it is possible to do all the computation in Julia or
    would it be better to code some part in C/C++. What I fear the
    most is the GC but in our case we can pre-allocate everything, so
    once we launch the system there will not be any memory allocated
    during the experiment and it will run for days.

    So, what do you think? Considering the current state of Julia will
    I be able to get the performances I need. Will the garbage
    collector be an hindrance ?

    Thank you.

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