On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 12:10:39 PM UTC, Uwe Fechner wrote:
> I think, that would be difficult.
> As soon as you use any packages for image conversion or estimation you 
> have to assume that they use dynamic memory allocation.
> The garbage collector of Julia is fast, but not suitable for hard 
> real-time requirements. Implementing a garbage collector for hard real-time
> applications is possible, but a lot of work and will probably not happen 
> in the near future.
> Their was an issue on this topic, that was closed as "won't fix":
> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/8543 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FJuliaLang%2Fjulia%2Fissues%2F8543&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGL2QEQox3U-q_GPUHD2crkohLC_Q>

Well, the "won't fix"-label was later taken off the issue.

Yes, the issue is still closed, but it's unclear to me what has changed 
with the GC, when. I know incremental GC was implemented at some point. No 
hard-real-time GC is available.

It would be cool to know of Julia in space so I gave this some thought..

I recall from MicroPython, that they claimed hard-real-time GC (also 
available for Java with Metronome), that is predictable pause times. I 
remember thinking, how can they do/claim that (and if I recall, didn't 
change the GC)? MicroPython is meant for microcontrollers (at the time only 
one), that has a known amount of memory. I can't locate the information I 
read at the time now, I think they where talking in megabytes range. Then 
worst case, you have to scan a fixed amount of memory, and the speed of the 
CPU is also known. Unlike with MicroPython, you will have an operating 
system (that is not real-time, but Linux can be configured as such, but 
caches are a problem..). Maybe if you can limit the RAM, or just how much 
Julia will try to allocate, it helps in the same way.

Anyway, you may not strictly need hard-real-time. I think, as always (in 
non-real-time/concurrent GC variants)?, the garbage collection only happens 
when you try to allocate memory and it is full. If you preallocate all 
memory and make sure no more is allocated, I can't see the GC being a 
problem (you can also disable it for some period of time).

Libc.malloc and free is also available with Julia..

[Possibly it helps to split your task into more than one process, having 
only one real-time? If you can have shared memory between two processes, 
would that help? Be careful with that.. I'm not sure it's a good idea or at 
least I need to explain it better..]

"Regarding RAM usage, MicroPython can start up with 2KB of heap. Adding 
stack and required static memory, a 4KB microcontroller could start a 
MicroController, but hardly could go further than interpreting simple 
expressions. Thus, 8KB is minimal amount to run simple scripts."

"today I painfully learned, that uPy's automatic garbage collection can 
really mess up your 500Hz feedback control loop, since it takes forever 
(>1ms  :o :shock: :cry: )."



> Uwe
> On Monday, May 30, 2016 at 12:00:13 PM UTC+2, John leger wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am working in astronomy and we are thinking of using Julia for a real 
>> time, high performance adaptive optics system on a solar telescope.
>> This is how the system is supposed to work: 
>>    1) the image is read from the camera
>>    2) some correction are applied
>>    3) the atmospheric turbulence is numerically estimated in order to 
>> calculate the command to be sent to the deformable mirror
>> The overall process should be executed in less than 1ms so that it can be 
>> integrated to the chain (closed loop).
>> Do you think it is possible to do all the computation in Julia or would 
>> it be better to code some part in C/C++. What I fear the most is the GC but 
>> in our case we can pre-allocate everything, so once we launch the system 
>> there will not be any memory allocated during the experiment and it will 
>> run for days.
>> So, what do you think? Considering the current state of Julia will I be 
>> able to get the performances I need. Will the garbage collector be an 
>> hindrance ?
>> Thank you.

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