Hi Chris,

thanks for elaborating (maybe you should copy your message into some
vision.md file in your repo).  Your plan sounds cool, good luck with it!
I would definitely use a plug and play ODE/PDE solver infrastructure.

I agree that at the fast pace you're moving at the moment it is best to
just have your own package(s).  However, if you code up more ODE/DAE
solvers, it would be great if those are usable without all the machinery
of DifferentialEquations.jl and if they eventually make into ODE.jl (or
some other "standard" ODE package).

A few more comments in-line below.  Cheers! Mauro

On Wed, 2016-06-08 at 20:40, Chris Rackauckas <rackd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for chiming in! There's a lot to say about this topic, and I think it's
> great! I felt like Julia's differential equation solvers were behind where 
> they
> should be, which was crazy to me since there is so many state-of-the-art
> mathematical packages in other areas (optimization, stats, etc.)

I think we are missing someone who actually does research in this area.
As far as I can tell, all of us ODE.jl-ers are just "users", but not
researching new methods.

> There are a few reasons why I didn't go about helping ODE.jl. I think the API
> is the biggest one. My muse here was JuMP. I used JuMP for a few really
> difficult optimization problems, and just swapped around the solvers by
> switching a keyword argument, and it handled the rest. I thought it was
> beautiful and the idea was simple: put the information for a problem into a
> type, and then just wrap solvers. Once I had that idea and gave it a try on 
> the
> FEM "scratch work" I had been playing with, I just thought that this is why
> Julia will be the future. So my idea was to structure problem specifying and
> solving as follows: defining a problem is defining a type, from there you
> dispatch to a solver which is preamble, solver algorithm, put solution to
> object, and then have helpers make the solver object easy to use. The key here
> is that the solver algorithm is just the middle: you can just swap out the
> middle part in seconds, not just as a user, but as a coder. If you look at
> sdeSolvers.jl, you can see what my final plan is going towards: define all of
> the solvers as drop in code, and choose one in a conditional (though with the
> loop as part of the "def" code, right now that's not the case, and there 
> should
> be easy loop pre-ambles post-ambles for saving outputs etc). Once you have 
> that
> structure, adding new solvers is easy! So I added all of the solvers in
> odeSolvers (i.e. all of the standard solvers which I think ODE.jl has as well,
> plus a few) in one morning, just adding a new "way to handle the middle".
> Having the special output type also made convergence testing and plotting free
> (plotting is then super nice because the solution types have recipes to Tom's
> Plots.jl!), and from there things were just in motion.

I think one of the key features here is that whilst JuMP is all fancy,
its components are pretty down to earth.  If you just want to optimize a
function without using JuMP's DSL then just use, e.g., NLopt.jl.
Maybe something to keep in mind when designing DifferentialEquations.

> Once I had that structure, I wanted it all to be similar so that way they 
> could
> interact well. Even though they do currently use it, there will be (S)PDE
> solvers which allow for using method of lines discretizations which then just
> plug into (S)ODE solvers. And what about all of those C/Fortran
> solvers?

(Do you know https://github.com/luchr/ODEInterface.jl and TS of
https://github.com/JuliaParallel/PETSc.jl ?)

> They can also just be added as part of the routine, and to switch over
> to it the user just swaps a keyword argument. This freedom of solvers
> has both practical, academic, and educational advantages. The
> practical advantage is that with users able to change 10 characters to
> switch the solvers, inevitably adding new solvers becomes "free new
> features". Also, these features can be existing solvers. For example,
> if you guys are doing well, and option may be to use ODE.jl solvers
> (if not just to benchmark between them, our solvers will most likely
> converge over time to about the same speed). But academically, this
> structure let me (and anyone else) just experiment with different
> solvers.  Everything else is handled for you (plotting, convergence
> tests, setting up the internals, saving everything), so you literally
> just write the loop. That's why I am using it to develop SDE
> algorithms. And lastly, education. For example, it will only take
> about 10 lines to implement a Simpson's Rule solver for ODEs.  This is
> a quiz problem I have to my undergrads: what order is it, and what's
> the region of stability? It's always unstable, so you'd never want to
> use it on a real problem. I plan to just add that as an option in the
> solver because it won't slow anything else down: it'll just be a bad
> option. The documentation will say it's a bad method, but this lets
> the curious students see what happens.
> So once I had this JuMP-inspired idea, I was scared of ODE.jl's pace
> of development. I didn't want to wait to talk about API decisions and
> all that: So I made a prototype.

If you have special API requirements, then it would still be good to
hear them.

> Note that at first I wasn't going to step on ODE.jl's toes so I put in
> the README that it doesn't handle ODEs, but then I needed one to
> generate some silly figure, and so for fun I used to SDE solver
> template to then make the ODEProblem, coded RK solvers from memory,
> opened up Hairer's book and implemented Rosenbrock solvers, and tada I
> had an ODE solver suite some hours later.

Will the whole infrastructure for SDE solvers be usable for ODE/DAE
solvers too?  With infrastructure I mean: adaptive step size and order
selection, dense output, root finding/events, etc.

> I don't think then that DifferentialEquations.jl and ODE,jl are diametrically
> opposed in any way. DifferentialEquations.jl is more this high-level interface
> to how to specify differential equation problems, interface with solvers, and
> then give a structured solution which is "easy to play with" (I think making 
> an
> animation of a solution using animate(sol) is just too cool). It has a bunch 
> of
> solvers because I was testing it all out and because that's what my PhD
> research is (stochastic solvers specifically, so of course I implement
> deterministic solvers all the time though!). ODE.jl is a set of ODE solvers,
> and can actually be used by DifferentialEquations.jl (though it hasn't yet).
> How this should all be organized? I don't really know. I mentioned it on the
> newly formed JuliaMath organization. But I don't think anyone really cared, 
> but
> that's also because I didn't "have" anything. Now that I have all of this
> implemented, the question is coming back (as it should). My take on it is that
> in this form, "differential equation problems" are all pretty much the same:
> they are a problem specification via some functions, some kind of mesh (either
> just time, or space and time), an associated solvers, and some helper 
> functions
> for doing standard analyses of the solution. These pieces will then play with
> each other: solving an SDE can be solving a PDE if you want to do it via the
> Fokker-Plank / Forward Kolmogorov / Feynman-Kac way, solving a PDE might just
> discretize to an ODE problem. or you can solve some PDEs probabilistically by
> solving a Monte Carlo simulation of SDEs. That's why I kept them together. But
> to be honest,I don't care about organization as much as long as it's easy to
> just implement every possible way of solving things,
> There's a lot left to do. I've only had this package for less than a month, 
> and
> was taking 6 courses + 2 seminars per quarter this year, so I didn't get as
> much done as I hoped. However, I am turning in that last final in a few days,
> so I will be freed up to start working more on this. Also, I have a lot of
> private codes which are being submitted soon and once those are published we
> will really have some state-of-the-art functionality. Next year I have courses
> and plan to take this head on. So I am just going to keep doing as much as
> possible, and we as a community can discuss what we want to do with it.

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