> I agree, keyword-args are a maintenance headache (and also potentially 
> bad for performance).  That was indeed one of the reason to make 
> Parameters.jl to generate the keyword constructors for the types 
> automatically.  Then use the types instead of keyword functions. 
> Concerning the implementation I was not very clear: I don't mean to 
> argue that you should not use any fancy type, etc., in your solvers 
> (maybe call them integrators?) but that you should also provide a dumb 
> interface for them (eventually) so they can be used outside of 
> DifferentialEquations.  (And yes, the @def does feel like unnecessary 
> metaprogramming). 

Yeah, in its current use it's unnecessary. I am doing a bit of a turn 
around on it now that I am implementing external integrators (nice word 
choice. That's what I've been doing in research papers, I'll carry that 
over to the package). Indeed, for adding external integrators to be the 
same as adding new solvers internally, calling internal integrators should 
be calling a function. That is pretty much in line with how I am using 
integrators which just make a few matrices and call IterativeSolvers.jl or 
NLSolve.jl (which are some of the FEM methods), and so it will also 
generalize to using ODE.jl, ODEInterface.jl, PETSc.jl, etc. Also, all of my 
GPU / Xeon Phi integrators for SDEs simply call C/Cuda functions (currently 
not released), and so those will be easier to make into function calls. So 
while @def was really quick and easy for building geometric multigrid 
solvers (for an example, see /src/fdm/stokesSolvers.jl), in the end I took 
the idea too far. It's looking like most of it should be all switched to 
function calls.

One thing that will be nice though is to use @def for loop header and 
footers. For example, there are many different rejection sampling adaptive 
algorithms which do the same routine for determining rejections and 
adjusting step size, and at the top of every loop I update the iteration 
(and hit the RNG for SDE methods), so I think the most maintainable way to 
write the integrators will be to make them their own function which is just 
a loop, which does:

while t<T
  #Write out the method here
  if adaptive

That way adding maximum iterations or any of those other goodies is just 
one change to the header or footer macro, and it will then propagate 
through to every method. Also part of my footers is the progressbar logic:

atomLoaded ? Main.Atom.progress((t-tspan[1])/(tspan[2]-tspan[1])) : nothing 
Atom's progressbar if loaded

Since Juno/Atom is set to become the default IDE, I think it would be good 
to support its special functions (when available), which for now is the 
progressbar (which works really well!). 

> > Yes, those and Sundials are what I have in mind as methods the user can 
> > choose. I don't really know how to handle the dependency issue though: 
> do 
> > you require these packages? Right now I require Plots and PyPlot. Is 
> that 
> > necessary? Is requiring NLSolve necessary when it's only used for the 
> > implicit methods? ForwardDiff is only used in the Rosenbrock methods 
> > (currently), should it be a dependency? Or should I detail a list of 
> what 
> > methods need what dependencies? I haven't settled on this, and may open 
> an 
> > issue. 
> The issue is https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/6195 
> There is https://github.com/MikeInnes/Requires.jl (but it does not work 
> 100%). 
> And here is how Plots.jl does it: 
> https://github.com/tbreloff/Plots.jl/blob/cf4d78c87c773453945f181cce2f1fe495c94798/src/backends/pyplot.jl#L59

Tom Breloff's recent change to plots will make it so that way I only 
require RecipesBase.jl, and then have it in documentation that to use the 
plotting functionality, you have to install Plots.jl and a backend 
(preferably PyPlot). So I think the first thing in the documentation will 
be a dependency chart/explanation, i.e. to use ___________ methods, you 
need __________. A nice little graphic will solve it.

I think I will tag the a new minor version to make the latest tagged 
version compatible with the new Plots and have all the latest integrators. 
I will cram to make the internal change to functions, add in calls to the 
other libraries (at least for ODEs), and change the dependency setup before 
the major release. With that I will have a blog post on the vision, and 
make it easier for others to start contributing. That will happen when my 
paper on the SDE methods is published (resubmitting by the end of the week, 
so at least by the end of summer, and I hope by midsummer) which will allow 
me to pull in a private branch where a lot of my development has been. When 
I get there, we should talk about whether some of the parts should be 
broken out to their own packages and stitched together via 
DifferentialEquations.jl (that would definitely make the tests quicker!)

Thanks for helping me get more focus! Do you plan on moving to ODE.jl to 
JuliaMath? When I hit the major release, I think we should be considering 
bringing us together under some organization. 

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