Oops, sent the message by accident while editing.

The code I posted is an example for a C interface from Dopri.jl.

Am Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2016 04:46:40 UTC-4 schrieb Dupont:
> Dear users,
> I would like to wrap the code 
> <http://www.radford.edu/~thompson/ffddes/index.html>to solve delay 
> differential equations. I have been wrapping C code in the past, but I 
> don't know much about fortran. 
> In the file *dde_solver_m.f90*, it is said that one must call the fortran 
> function *DDE_SOLVER *through an interface*. *Hence, I compiled the code 
> as a library 
> gfortran -Wall -shared -o libdde_solver.dylib -lm -fPIC dde_solver_m.f90
> but when I looked at
> nm -a libdde_solver.dylib
> I could not find the function DDE_SOLVER. I know that this may seem more 
> like a fortran question than a Julia one, but I would be gratefull if one 
> could give me a hint on how to call this library from Julia,
> Thank you for your help,
> Best regards

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