Hi Ahmed,

the line
*MyNode() = MyNode(0,0,MyNode[])*
is just to make life easier. It means that when you call
MyNode() without arguments it will set some default values
for you, in this case 0, 0 and MyNode[]
(MyNode[] is an empty Vector that can hold elements of type MyNode).

Adapting your type definition of

*type MyNode{T}    data::Vector{T}*

*    level::Int    child :: Vector{MyNode}    nchild :: Int*

*MyNode() = MyNode(Float64[], 0, MyNode[], 0)*

you could also define the following function:

*function add_children!(parentNode, nChildren)*
*  data = Float64[] # do something with the data here, I dont know whats 
*  level = parentNode.level + 1*
*  for i in 1:nChildren*
*    child = MyNode(data, level, MyNode[], 0)*
*    push!(parentNode.child, child)*
*  end*
*  parentNode.nchild += nChildren*

*root = MyNode()*
*add_children!(root, 100)*

*for child in root.child*
*  add_children!(child, 10)*

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