I think I start seeing what you want. A few questions:

1) Can the leafs be of the same type as the root and child?
2) Does every child need to have one child at least? (= no child with zero 

you can do the following:


# this generates a list of empty vectors that can hold MyNode types, each 
of these vectors
# will then be filled with leafs
# once all vectors are filled with leafs we can distribute them to the 

all_leafs = Any[MyNode[] for i in 1:nChildren]

for i in 1:100
  childIndex = rand(1:nChildren) # pick to which child this leaf will go
  #create your leaf here with necessary stuff like above
  leaf=MyNode(data,level, MyNode[], 0)
  push!(all_leafs[childIndex], leaf)

then you can distribute those leafs:


for i in 1:nChildren
  root.child[i].child = all_leafs[i]

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