On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Fred <fred.softwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried that "change" because of this part of the documentation (in
> http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/manual/performance-tips/) :
> For example:
> julia> type MyType{T<:AbstractFloat}
>          a::T
>        end
> This is a better choice than
> julia> type MyStillAmbiguousType
>          a::AbstractFloat
>        end

Please read the text around this example. In particular

> This allows a to be of any type. This can often be useful, but it does have a 
> downside: for objects of type MyAmbiguousType, the compiler will not be able 
> to generate high-performance code.

> because the first version specifies the type of a from the type of the 
> wrapper object. For example:

It's the type used for the field that is important. Whether the type
itself is parametrized or not has nothing to do with it. Type
parameter only helps to make the type more generic (in case you want
to use the type for other field types too)

Do note that,
1. your `d` is `Dict{Any,Any}` so accessing the value will be type unstable.
2. As Jeffrey mentioned, you can make the type immutable if you don't
need to mutate it.
3. `typeof(1)` is `Int` and not necessarily `Int64`. It is `Int32` on 32bit.

> Le mardi 12 juillet 2016 17:32:09 UTC+2, Yichao Yu a écrit :
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Fred <fred.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I am referring to all 3, ie the type of Ions_frag :)
>> Well, can you quote the performance tip? There's nothing wrong with
>> the type you are using in terms of performance so I'd like to know
>> which part of the doc is misleading.

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