*TLDR: I'd like to show Julia to my colleagues, but don't have a clue which 
cool packages and features I should show off to them, because I don't do 
any scientific work myself.*


I'm an interaction designer working for a research group at Karolinska 
Institute[0]. Basically, I'm a glorified front-end webdev. I don't do any 
scientific work myself, I'm just building a web-based interface for 
browsing and visualizing single-cell data for them. So my use-cases don't 
seem to align with Julia's strengths, but I like the design of the 
language, the ideas behind the project and have been following its 
development great pleasure.

Last week while watching a bunch of JuliaCon videos during a lunch break, 
one of my colleagues asked what the video was about. I tried to explain the 
Julia project to him, as well as the language's strengths and weaknesses. 
Sadly, I didn't really do a good job of it, since I don't actually program 
in it myself. He said it looked a lot like Matlab (his language of choice) 
and was interested in the free-and-open-source aspect. But he expected 
there to not be enough packages yet for him to work with it and was 
sceptical about whether switching to it would be worth it. I tried to 
explain that Julia can call out to Matlab code with practically no 
overhead, but he didn't really look convinced (and I didn't have a working 
Julia environment to show it off to him either). While Jupyter was also a 
turn-off, since he doesn't like notebooks, but the Juno video compensated 
for that a lot.

Basically, I'd like to show Julia to my colleagues, give them some pointers 
on where it might be fun to start playing with it, what are some of its 
amazing features *that matter to them*, but I don't have a clue of what I 
should focus on to do so.

The researchers I work for are molecular neurobiologists. They're doing 
pretty well, having published in Science last year and this year, see 
here[1] for a list of publicatiosn. Currently Anaconda is the "lingua 
franca" platform, but some in the group prefer Matlab or R over Python. Of 
course, one of Julia's selling points is that it's a very "inclusive" 
language, so I definitely could show that, but I don't know what else to 
demonstrate. I'm hoping there are researchers here with similar enough 
use-cases for Julia who could give me some suggestions about what kind of 
things they might really like over their existing solutions.


[0] http://linnarssonlab.org/
[1] http://linnarssonlab.org/publications/

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