Good points.

Given that symbols have a name which is a string, I don't see how they
could be a bits-type unless they just became numbers to index into a global
array somewhere...... i.e. a pointer. Stack-allocating non-bits-type
immutables is on the roadmap to 1.0, so that should solve your problems.

Maybe you can solve the CategorizedPoint problem by using an @enum.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 6:48 AM, Oliver Schulz <
> wrote:

> Hello Andreas,
> consider iterating over a Dict{Symbol,Int64}:
> d = Dict(:foo => 42, :bar => 77)
> for x in d println("$(typeof(x)), $(isbits(x))") end
> During iteration, a lot of stack allocated "Pair{Symbol,Int64}" objects
> are created. That is very bad for performance.
> immutable CategorizedPoint
>     x::Float64
>     y::Float64
>     category::Symbol
> end
> Also, consider a (hypothetical) data type for categorized points (with a
> finite number of categories - but extensible, so that Symbol is a better
> fit than using an enum):
> immutable CategorizedPoint
>     x::Float64
>     y::Float64
>     category::Symbol
> end
> I would definitely want this to be a bits-type, and not have every
> instance heap-allocated.
> Cheers,
> Oliver
> On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 11:44:13 AM UTC+2, Andreas Lobinger wrote:
>> Hello colleague,
>> On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 11:12:51 AM UTC+2, Oliver Schulz wrote:
>>> Sure -  I was assuming that as Symbol (as an interned string) is
>>> basically just a pointer. So comparisons are O(1), etc. What I'd like to
>>> understand is, why can't it be a bitstype? Currently, it's not, so Symbol
>>> cannot be used in a lightweight (i.e. stack-allocated) immutable type. I
>>> assume there's a good reason for it, I just want to understand why.
>> Could you make an example how you would like to use Symbol in lightweight
>> types?

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