For the insertion stage, the Dict is likely ideal.

For the second stage, a Dict that is based on hashing is a good data
structure. Another data structure worth examining would be a sorted vector
of `(Int64, Float64)` pairs (sorted by the `Int64` keys). Interpolation
search <> can then have a
complexity of `O(log log N)`. My personal guess is that a well-optimized
Dict (i.e. with both hash function and hash table size "optimized") will be
faster if we assume a close to random access, as it will have fewer memory

Julia's Dict implementation (see base/dict.jl) has constants that you could
tune (read: play with). There is also a function `Base.rehash!` that you
can call to increase the size of the hash table, which might increase
performance by avoiding hash collisions, if you have sufficient memory.


On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 7:58 PM, 'Greg Plowman' via julia-users <> wrote:

> I need fast random access to a Dict{Int64,Float64}.
> My application has a first phase in which the Dict is populated, and a
> second phase where it accessed randomly (with no further additions or
> deletions).
> There are about 50,000 to 100,000 entries, with keys in the range 10^9 to
> 10^14.
> Firstly is a Dict the most optimal data structure? (presumably Dict is
> faster than SparseVector for random lookup?)
> Secondly, is there any "preconditioning" I can do after creating the Dict
> in phase 1 but before phase 2, to optimise the Dict for random access.
> (e.g. sizehint, sorting keys)
> I do appreciate access might already be fast and optimal and I should just
> benchmark, but I'm just looking for some theoretical
> insight before benchmarking.

Erik Schnetter <>

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