By the way my test3 functions is super fast

 @time test3(r)
  0.000032 seconds (4 allocations: 160 bytes)


On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 12:48:50 AM UTC+3, Tsur Herman wrote:
> On my side both function perform equally. although test2 had to be timed 
> twice to get to the same performance.
> julia> test2(x)= sum( [t^2 for t in x] )
> julia> @time test2(r)
>   0.017423 seconds (13.22 k allocations: 1.339 MB)
> julia> @time test2(r)
>   0.000332 seconds (9 allocations: 781.531 KB)
> I think the discrepancy  comes from the JITing process because if I time 
> it without using  the macro @time, it works from the first run.
> julia> test2(x)= sum( [t^2 for t in x] )
> WARNING: Method definition test2(Any) in module Main at REPL[68]:1 
> overwritten at REPL[71]:1.
> test2 (generic function with 1 method)
> julia> tic();for i=1:10000 ; test2(r);end;toc()/10000
> elapsed time: 3.090764498 seconds
> 0.0003090764498
> About the memory footprint -> test2 first constructs the inner vector then 
> calls sum.
> since the type was not inferred the zero-element could not be created.
> The sum of an empty set or vector is undefined it is not zero.
> you can rewrite it in a more explicit way
> test3(r) = begin 
>     total = Float64(0);
>  for t in r total+=t ;end;end
> On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 10:50:39 PM UTC+3, Patrick Kofod 
> Mogensen wrote:
>> I've seen the same, and the answer I got at the JuliaLang gitter channel 
>> was that it could not be inferred because r could be of length 0, and in 
>> that case, the return type could not be inferred. My Julia-fu is too weak 
>> to then explain why the comprehension would be able to infer the return 
>> type.
>> On Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 9:27:37 PM UTC+2, Stefan Karpinski 
>> wrote:
>>> I see the same, yet:
>>> julia> r = rand(10^5);
>>> julia> @time test1(r)
>>>   0.000246 seconds (7 allocations: 208 bytes)
>>> 33375.54531253989
>>> julia> @time test2(r)
>>>   0.001029 seconds (7 allocations: 781.500 KB)
>>> 33375.54531253966
>>> So test1 is efficient, despite the codewarn output. Not sure what's up.
>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Christoph Ortner <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I hope that there is something I am missing, or making a mistake in the 
>>>> following example: 
>>>> r = rand(10)
>>>> test1(r) = sum( t^2 for t in r )
>>>> test2(r)= sum( [t^2 for t in r] )
>>>> @code_warntype test1(r)   # return type Any is inferred
>>>> @code_warntype test2(r)   # return type Float64 is inferred
>>>> This caused a problem for me, beyond execution speed: I used a 
>>>> generator to create the elements for a comprehension, since the type was 
>>>> not inferred the zero-element could not be created.
>>>> Is this a known issue?

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