mhm.. more or less yes/not ;o)

we know that guy (Theodor Förster) who works on that wps services. He 
does a thesis at ITC enschede and attends the same workshops as Moritz 
because the goals are somehow similar.

but thanx for the link. I need to study it (until know i did only know 
two conference articles from that guy.)


Michaël Michaud schrieb:
>> [1]: (note the links to 
>> papers dont work but they are available in the following repository:)
>> i.e.:
>> btw. Moritz Neun (my colleague) is currently writing up his thesis. so 
>> by September there is some more stuff on it (other papers already exists 
>> too and are submitted to journals)
> Very interesting...
> Is there any relation between M. Neun thesis and the jump-based 
> wps-client available at
> ?
> Michaël
>> Michaël Michaud schrieb:
>>> Sascha L. Teichmann a écrit :
>>>> Really back to topic:
>>>> Find attached a replacement for ThreadQueue [1].
>>>> To use it just overwrite the original one.
>>> Hi Sascha :
>>> I think that trying to have a cleaner and more simple code is an 
>>> excellent goal, and I'd like to help, but I'm not sure I can understand 
>>> all these thread issues.
>>> If you tell me exactly which classes I must replace (on ly ThreadQueue 
>>> or also the pieces of code from your previous mail) and what kind of 
>>> tests I should do (rendering different kind of layers ? mixing different 
>>> kind of layers), I'll try to make some more tests on my desktop.
>>> Thanks, for the hard work
>>> Michaël
>>>> This one works for the real parallel case of
>>>> layer rendering too. Each time a thread finished
>>>> executing its Runnable it looks into the queue
>>>> if they are more jobs to do. This prevents unnecessary
>>>> thread creations/shutdowns. If the queue is empty
>>>> the worker thread is kept alive for 5 seconds waiting
>>>> for new jobs. This results in a kind of thread pooling.
>>>> @Larry: I've isolated my implementation and the OJ
>>>> ThreadQueue and done a synthetic benchmark with a
>>>> larger number of jobs (10,000+). My implementation
>>>> works about two orders faster than the OJ one.
>>>> But this is of little meaning because OJ only
>>>> has to handle a number of jobs equal the number
>>>> of layers. This will hardly hit 10,000+ ;-)
>>>> But again: My mission is improve the structure not
>>>> primarily the speed.
>>>> I've tested the new ThreadQueue to some extent but
>>>> I'am male(tm) after all ... potentially making mistakes.
>>>> It would be very kind if someone test it too.
>>>> My next step will be some clean up in the RenderingManager [2].
>>>> I'am not sure that it is really needed to have two ThreadQueues
>>>> there. The effect of the single tread one can be easily
>>>> simulated with a data structure like the RunnableArrayList which
>>>> I've posted already.
>>>> Any comments?
>>>> Yours,
>>>> Sascha
>>>> [1] com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer.ThreadQueue
>>>> [2] com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer.RenderingManager
>>>> Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
>>>>> Sascha,
>>>>> Please accept my sincerest aopologies. I'm afriad my American
>>>>> ignorance of other cultures is more than just a little obvious at
>>>>> times.
>>>>> I believe I have made the same mistake with Jan. :]
>>>>> Please be patient with me as I learn the details of cultures across
>>>>> the Pacific and Atalantic Oceans!
>>>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>>>> On 5/24/07, Sascha L. Teichmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> TNX, but for the records 'he' would be more suited in my case.
>>>>>> 'Sascha' is basically a Russian term of endearment for the
>>>>>> boys name 'Alexander' but it's also used as a girls name.
>>>>>> BTW: 'Jan' is a girls name in the US too, isn't? ;-)
>>>>>> - Sascha
>>>>>> Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
>>>>>>> Sascha and Larry,
>>>>>>> I must admit that I am way over my head here. I haven't done much
>>>>>>> thread programming in Java. (Hopefully Stefan has!)
>>>>>>> Sascha wrote: "My primary goal is to simplify the
>>>>>>> threading code to make it more reliable in terms of time."
>>>>>>> This seems like an admirable goal to me. If Larry, or a similar
>>>>>>> programmer of his experience, agrees that this changes would be
>>>>>>> beneficial, I say we give Sascha a shot at it. It sounds like she has
>>>>>>> considered her changes carefully.
>>>>>>> Just my two cents.
>>>>>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>>>>>> On 5/24/07, Sascha L. Teichmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Larry,
>>>>>>>> short answer first: No, I don't have any benchmarks, yet.
>>>>>>>> The long answer: My primary goal is to simplify the
>>>>>>>> threading code to make it more reliable in terms of time.
>>>>>>>> Gaining performance improvements would be a neat side effect.
>>>>>>>> Background: Multi-threading may be fine for slow layers
>>>>>>>> which arrives later on the screen but for exporting
>>>>>>>> the data (to print/layout e.g) it would be nice to have
>>>>>>>> them arriving one after the other.
>>>>>>>> My final goal is to have a simple switch between the normal
>>>>>>>> and the serial mode. To archive that I try to carefully
>>>>>>>> refactor the system doing little patches step by step
>>>>>>>> not to break it. Refactoring the ThreadQueue with it's
>>>>>>>> 'flaws' seems a to be a good starting point to me.
>>>>>>>> One reason for this change is the fact that you are able
>>>>>>>> to figure out if the default thread runs empty. But there
>>>>>>>> is no way to figure out when the last thread ends. That
>>>>>>>> are different things. A mechanism for this is planned.
>>>>>>>> Sorry, if I've shadowed my true intentions to much. Maybe
>>>>>>>> I should discuss more before I send patches.  ;-)
>>>>>>>> Back to the technical side:
>>>>>>>> The patch needs some testing but I don't expect too much
>>>>>>>> performance improvement.
>>>>>>>> A less intrusive alternative to bind the Runnables that go to the
>>>>>>>> default ThreadQueue into one thread is to create a container
>>>>>>>> which self is Runnable (see e.g. RunnableArrayList attached)
>>>>>>>> and put them into an instance of this class.
>>>>>>>> This container is put into multiRendererThreadQueue as a Runnable.
>>>>>>>> With this modification the defaultRendererThreadQueue can
>>>>>>>> be removed (multiRendererThreadQueue renamed to
>>>>>>>> defaultRendererThreadQueue). Only an idea ... I'm in discussion
>>>>>>>> mode now. ;-)
>>>>>>>> - Sascha
>>>>>>>> Larry Becker schrieb:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Sascha,
>>>>>>>>> I read your comments and look at your code with interest.  It appears
>>>>>>>>> to be an improved ThreadQueue implementation, but will require a lot 
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> testing to verify.  Before I invest this time, I would like to know 
>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> problem it is solving.  I see your dislikes a - e, but these are not
>>>>>>>>> really problems, only architectural critiques.  Have you done any
>>>>>>>>> benchmarks that show that the new SingleThreadQueue speeds up
>>>>>>>>> rendering?  Your logical argument that it should be more efficient  is
>>>>>>>>> persuasive,  but  I have been surprised by Java before.
>>>>>>>>> respectfully,
>>>>>>>>> Larry Becker
>>>>>>>>> On 5/23/07, *Sascha L. Teichmann* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>   Hi together,
>>>>>>>>>   as some of you may already know i have my dislikes against
>>>>>>>>>   ThreadQueue [1] (Hi, Larry!) see my mail [2]
>>>>>>>>>   a - It forks a new thread for any Runnable it processes.
>>>>>>>>>   b - It has an ugly busy wait loop inside.
>>>>>>>>>   c - The event listener for empty queue fires to often.
>>>>>>>>>   d - The default ThreadQueue is some kind of thread serializer.
>>>>>>>>>   e - The DB/WMS ThreadQueue has no public access.
>>>>>>>>>   Now I've written a sub class of ThreadQueue: SingleThreadQueue
>>>>>>>>>   (see attachment). This one deals with the issues a, b and d.
>>>>>>>>>   I also attached a patch against RenderingManager [3] to handle e.
>>>>>>>>>   The new class (to be placed in package
>>>>>>>>>   com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer) is a drop-in
>>>>>>>>>   replacement for the default ThreadQueue in RenderingManager.
>>>>>>>>>   Not for the ThreadQueue that handles the DB/WMS layers.
>>>>>>>>>   Because Jon limited the number of parallel threads in default
>>>>>>>>>   queue to 1 I see no reason why to fork a new thread for each
>>>>>>>>>   Runnable it processes. Thread creation/shutdown is fairly
>>>>>>>>>   expensive. Instead a single background thread is started
>>>>>>>>>   which processes the Runnables one by one. If the thread
>>>>>>>>>   is idle for 30 secs it shuts itself down. If you have a lot
>>>>>>>>>   of (non-WMS/BB) layers this should improve performance
>>>>>>>>>   and save some resources. The processing itself is done
>>>>>>>>>   with a monitor (synchronized/wait/notify) so there is no
>>>>>>>>>   busy wait any more.
>>>>>>>>>   The DB/WMS ThreadQueue (real parallel threads) is left untouched
>>>>>>>>>   for the moment. Depending on my personal schedule I will send
>>>>>>>>>   a patch against this one too. Preliminary code with thread pooling
>>>>>>>>>   exists but it needs a bit more testing.
>>>>>>>>>   Find attached the new class and patches against RenderingManager and
>>>>>>>>>   the old ThreadQueue to bring it to work.
>>>>>>>>>   Comments are very welcome. :-)
>>>>>>>>>   Kind regrads,
>>>>>>>>>     Sascha
>>>>>>>>>   [1] com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer.ThreadQueue
>>>>>>>>>   [2]
>>>>>>>>>   [3] com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer.RenderingManager
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> /*
>>>>>>>>> * The Unified Mapping Platform (JUMP) is an extensible, interactive 
>>>>>>>>> GUI 
>>>>>>>>> * for visualizing and manipulating spatial features with geometry and 
>>>>>>>>> attributes.
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> * Copyright (C) 2003 Vivid Solutions 
>>>>>>>>> * Copyright (C) 2007 Intevation GmbH
>>>>>>>>> * 
>>>>>>>>> * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>>>>>>>>> * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
>>>>>>>>> * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
>>>>>>>>> * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
>>>>>>>>> * 
>>>>>>>>> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>>>>>>>> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>>>>>>>> * GNU General Public License for more details.
>>>>>>>>> * 
>>>>>>>>> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>>>>>>>>> * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>>>>>>>>> * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  
>>>>>>>>> 02111-1307, USA.
>>>>>>>>> * 
>>>>>>>>> * Suite #1A
>>>>>>>>> * 2328 Government Street
>>>>>>>>> * Victoria BC  V8T 5G5
>>>>>>>>> * Canada
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> * (250)385-6040
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> package com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.renderer;
>>>>>>>>> import java.util.LinkedList;
>>>>>>>>> import java.util.ArrayList;
>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>> * This thread queue executes at maximum N Runnables in parallel
>>>>>>>>> * were N is a given number of worker threads that should be used.
>>>>>>>>> * If N threads are running and busy each further incoming 
>>>>>>>>> * Runnable is queued until one of the threads has finished its 
>>>>>>>>> current job.
>>>>>>>>> * If a worker thread becomes idle (no more job in the queue)
>>>>>>>>> * it is hold alive for 5 seconds. If during this period of time 
>>>>>>>>> * no new Runnable is enqueued the worker thread dies.
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> * @author Sascha L. Teichmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> public class ThreadQueue
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>       /** The time a worker thread stays alive if idle */
>>>>>>>>>       public static final long WORKER_STAY_ALIVE_TIME = 5000L;
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Worker thread. Fetches Runnable from the surrounding 
>>>>>>>>>        * ThreadQueue instance.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       protected class Worker 
>>>>>>>>>       extends         Thread
>>>>>>>>>       {
>>>>>>>>>               public void run() {
>>>>>>>>>                       try {
>>>>>>>>>                               for (;;) {
>>>>>>>>>                                       Runnable runnable;
>>>>>>>>>                                       synchronized (queuedRunnables) {
>>>>>>>>>                                               if 
>>>>>>>>> (queuedRunnables.isEmpty()) {
>>>>>>>>> ++waitingThreads;
>>>>>>>>>                                                       try {
>>>>>>>>> queuedRunnables.wait(WORKER_STAY_ALIVE_TIME);
>>>>>>>>>                                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                                                       catch 
>>>>>>>>> (InterruptedException ie) {
>>>>>>>>>                                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                                                       finally {
>>>>>>>>> --waitingThreads;
>>>>>>>>>                                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                                                       // if still 
>>>>>>>>> empty -> die!
>>>>>>>>>                                                       if 
>>>>>>>>> (queuedRunnables.isEmpty())
>>>>>>>>>                                                               break;
>>>>>>>>>                                               }
>>>>>>>>>                                               if (disposed)
>>>>>>>>>                                                       break;
>>>>>>>>>                                               runnable = 
>>>>>>>>> (Runnable)queuedRunnables.remove();
>>>>>>>>>                                       } // synchronized 
>>>>>>>>> queuedRunnables
>>>>>>>>>                                       try {
>>>>>>>>>                                     ;
>>>>>>>>>                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                                       catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>>>>>                                               e.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>>>>                                       }
>>>>>>>>>                               } // for (;;)
>>>>>>>>>                       }
>>>>>>>>>                       finally { // guarantee that counter goes down
>>>>>>>>>                               boolean allRunningThreadsFinished;
>>>>>>>>>                               synchronized (runningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>                                       allRunningThreadsFinished = 
>>>>>>>>> --runningThreads[0] == 0;
>>>>>>>>>                               }
>>>>>>>>>                               if (allRunningThreadsFinished)
>>>>>>>>>                                       fireAllRunningThreadsFinished();
>>>>>>>>>                       }
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       } // class Worker
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * If the number of running threads goes down to zero
>>>>>>>>>        * implementations of this interface are able to be informed.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public interface Listener {
>>>>>>>>>               void allRunningThreadsFinished();
>>>>>>>>>       } // interface Listener
>>>>>>>>>       /** Number of running threads */
>>>>>>>>>       protected int [] runningThreads = new int[1];
>>>>>>>>>       /** max. Number of threads running parallel */
>>>>>>>>>       protected int maxRunningThreads;
>>>>>>>>>       /** Number of threads that are currently idle */
>>>>>>>>>       protected int waitingThreads;
>>>>>>>>>       /** The queue of Runnables jobs waiting to be run */
>>>>>>>>>       protected LinkedList queuedRunnables;
>>>>>>>>>       /** Singals that the ThreadQueue is going to quit */
>>>>>>>>>       protected boolean disposed;
>>>>>>>>>       /** List of Listeners */
>>>>>>>>>       protected ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList();
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Creates a ThreadQueue with one worker thread.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public ThreadQueue() {
>>>>>>>>>               this(1);
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /** Creates a ThreadQueue with a given number of worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        * @param maxRunningThreads the max. number of threads to be 
>>>>>>>>> run parallel.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public ThreadQueue(int maxRunningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>               this.maxRunningThreads = Math.max(1, maxRunningThreads);
>>>>>>>>>               queuedRunnables = new LinkedList();
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Adds a Listener to this ThreadQueue.
>>>>>>>>>        * @param listener the listener to add.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public synchronized void add(Listener listener) {
>>>>>>>>>               if (listener != null)
>>>>>>>>>                       listeners.add(listener);
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Removes a Listener from this ThreadQueue.
>>>>>>>>>        * @param listener the listener to be removed.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public synchronized void remove(Listener listener) {
>>>>>>>>>               if (listener != null)
>>>>>>>>>                       listeners.add(listener);
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Informs Listeners of the fact that the number of running 
>>>>>>>>> threads
>>>>>>>>>        * went to zero.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       protected void fireAllRunningThreadsFinished() {
>>>>>>>>>               ArrayList copy;
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (this) { copy = new ArrayList(listeners); }
>>>>>>>>>               for (int i = copy.size()-1; i >= 0; --i)
>>>>>>>>> ((Listener)copy.get(i)).allRunningThreadsFinished();
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * The number of currently running worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        * @return number of currently running worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public int runningThreads() {
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (runningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>                       return runningThreads[0];
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * The number of currently waiting Runnables.
>>>>>>>>>        * @return number of currently waiting Runnables.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public int waitingRunnables() {
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (runningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>                       return queuedRunnables.size();
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * The number of currently idle worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        * @return number of currently idle worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public int waitingThreads() {
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (queuedRunnables) {
>>>>>>>>>                       return waitingThreads;
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Adds a Runnables to the queue. It will be run in one
>>>>>>>>>        * of the worker threads.
>>>>>>>>>        * @param runnable The Runnables to add
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public void add(Runnable runnable) {
>>>>>>>>>               int waiting;
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (queuedRunnables) {
>>>>>>>>>                       if (disposed)
>>>>>>>>>                               return;
>>>>>>>>>                       waiting = waitingThreads;
>>>>>>>>>                       queuedRunnables.add(runnable);
>>>>>>>>>                       queuedRunnables.notify();
>>>>>>>>>               }  // synchronized (queuedRunnables)
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (runningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>                       // if waitingThreads == 1 then
>>>>>>>>>                       // the queuedRunnables.notify() should have 
>>>>>>>>> waked it up.
>>>>>>>>>                       if (waitingThreads < 2 && runningThreads[0] < 
>>>>>>>>> maxRunningThreads) {
>>>>>>>>>                               ++runningThreads[0];
>>>>>>>>>                               Worker w = new Worker();
>>>>>>>>>                               w.setDaemon(true);
>>>>>>>>>                               w.start();
>>>>>>>>>                       }
>>>>>>>>>               } // synchronized (runningThreads)
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Empties the queue of waiting Runnables.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public void clear() {
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (queuedRunnables) {
>>>>>>>>>                       queuedRunnables.clear();
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>>       /**
>>>>>>>>>        * Shuts down the ThreadQueue.
>>>>>>>>>        */
>>>>>>>>>       public void dispose() {
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (queuedRunnables) {
>>>>>>>>>                       disposed = true;
>>>>>>>>>                       queuedRunnables.clear();
>>>>>>>>>                       // wakeup idle threads
>>>>>>>>>                       queuedRunnables.notifyAll();
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>               synchronized (this) {
>>>>>>>>>                       listeners.clear();
>>>>>>>>>               }
>>>>>>>>>       }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> // end of file
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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