Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
> Sascha,
> You wrote: "As I pointed out earlier having a ChangeLog would
> be nice to document motivations and backgrounds for a change. Simply
> generating a ChangeLog out of the commit messages is convenient but
> it does not uncover the true potential of such a 'log' file."
> I agree, and I use small text files to store a change log for each
> Java class in my own programming work. Perhaps I similar system would
> meet your needs. If you have any ideas for a change log that we can
> use in the OpenJUMP CVS throw it out and we can consider it. As long
> as the format of the change log was simple and consistent I would have
> no problem with this.
> Tell us what you had in mind for a change log and we will see what
> Stefan and the others think.

The format of a ChangeLog file is pretty simple and pretty standard.
To see what I mean look a the ChangeLog of the
Print/Layout[1] or WFS[2] plug-ins. Most of entries are pretty trivial,
short and technical. A second level ChangeLog called Changes.txt
summarizes the changes for the end users. It also helps the release
managers to keep track of what is done. A TODO.txt file is also very
helpful. A lot of open source projects are using this scheme (with

- Sascha


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