What plug-ins are you guys using to view raster images in OpenJUMP or
its sister programs?

I tried installing the Sigle Plug-In, but I still got JAI errors even
after I installed JAI. (Maybe I installed the JAI for the JDK and I
needed to install it for the JRE.) Is anyone else sucessfully using
the Sigle Plug-In to view images? Could you offer some tips on the
corrext JAI installer to use?

I also tried to view images in SkyJUMP, but when I zoom extents
nothing is visible.

In summary, the only JUMP flavor that I can use to view images
currently is JUMP 1.2.

I'm just wondering what others are using to view raster images in
OpenJUMP, and if we might need to consider integrating support for
viewing raster images from JUMP 1.2 in OpenJUMP.

The Sunburned Surveyor

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