Michaël Michaud wrote:


> I tried to clean-up a little bit the language files.
> To do it, I used a tool (https://prbeditor.dev.java.net/) which makes it 
> easy to find missing keys, but which has its own way to format and order 
> things (I must say I lost so many comments that I cleaned them all but 
> the header ones). If some of you are bothered by that, we'll have to 
> come back to previous version (thanks to tell me).
> I mainly removed unused keys and I did a list containing missing 
> translations (I did not do the list for portuguese and chinese : too 
> many translations missing).
> Please, try the next nightly build to check I did not break anything in 
> your language, and update the files in your language or send the 
> translations to be committed (note that the list here after may not be 
> exhaustive, and the best way is to check the file itself)

That sounds nice, but:

> deejump.pluging.style.LayerStyle2SLDPlugIn.Namespace

This key is definitely in all of the language files, yet the tool
reported it missing in Finnish and other languages. Did you use an old
version of the files?

Best regards, Andreas
l a t / l o n  GmbH
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