
It looks like you pasted the HTML code for a table in your message, or
at least your table got converted to HTML code.

Can you just attach your updated Italian file as an ASCII or plain
text file. When you have done this I will commit it to the SVN.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On 9/28/07, Giuseppe Aruta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Michaël Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha
> scritto:
> > Hi Giuseppe,
> > Yes, shortcut keys are translated in an html file
> > and the italian
> > version is missing.
> > Here is the english file in the svn :
> >
> > You can create italian file from this one, and any
> > committer can add it
> > to the trunk.
> Hi Michaël
> I have no idea how to modify by svn, so I did the
> modification in a TXT file, which I send back, hoping
> it is possible to use it:
> *************************************
> <html>
> <head>
> </head>
> <body>
> <table border="0" width="400">
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Zoom in</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Alt + Tasto
> Sinistro</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Zoom out</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Alt + Tasto Destro</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Panoramica</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Shift + Alt +
> Trascina</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Seleziona Elementi</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Ctrl + Tasto
> Sinistro</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Seleziona Elementi solo da
> Layer Selezionati</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Ctrl + Tasto Sinistro (Quando
> lo Strumento Selezione è attivato)</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Aggiungi ASlla Selezione/
> Disseleziona</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Shift + Ctrl + Tasto Sinistro
> (Anche Shift + Tasto Sinistro quando lo Strumento
> Selezione è attivato)</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Cancella Elementi
> Selezionati</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Cancella</font></td>
>    </tr>
>    <tr>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Informazione
> Elementi</font></td>
>      <td width="50%" valign="top"><font
> face="Verdana" size="2">Ctrl + Alt + Left
> Click</font></td>
>    </tr>
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
> ******************************************************
> Note that in the latest OJ NB Larry entroduced another
> Shortcut: wheel zoom for Zoom in/out but thid is not
> explained on the Shortcut HTML file.
> Regards,
> Peppe
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