
I have been through this many times on commercial and other projects and have found that developers (myself included) get very upset around coding standards. I have also found that projects work much better if someone within the project makes a decision and provides a documented standard of what developers should follow and if possible provide automated tools to support code layout and checking of rules (checkstyle). After a while us developers get over it and can get on with the important part of implementing code. When coming up with standards readability should be considered over conciseness of code. As an extreme example every C program can be implemented as nested for loops. Not that you'd ever consider doing it.

If you have to use the ternary operator some simple formatting could make it more readable.

y = (x > 0)
 ? 7
 : 8


Edgar Soldin wrote:
this should read:

finally I think this can go much to far, there is a potential risk to loose 
development capacities here, just because of indifferences about
styling... keeping it balanced should be the way.

regards ede

The important thing about using the SAME style is that if I am extending someone else's code in the same project (e.g. adding an additional else if clause) that when I do a diff I can see oh I just added a diff clause, rather than, oh there are abunch of whitespace changes so I really have no way of seeing what has changed other than look through line by line. I use auto format a lot which means that it is difficult to find the real changes when there was not consistent formatting.


P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente wrote:
Yes, but I don't believe that would add anything to readability...
I think the key is not about everybody using the same style,
but about each one using a "consistent" style.
If one always use the same style, even a non-programmer it's perfectly able of understanding it after a couple of example, because it's always the same. And even when different people works upon the same code, I don't think it's a bad thing if each one uses it's own style, so diferent pieces of code can be
easily spotted.
But this is just me... :-) Bye
Paolo Rizzi
    -----Messaggio originale-----
    [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto
    di *Paul Austin
    *Inviato:* mercoledì 2 luglio 2008 18.59
    *A:* OpenJump develop and use
    *Oggetto:* Re: [JPP-Devel] R: Style Sheet For Java FOSS Coding

    On another note all blocks should use {}, spaces instead of tabs.
    2 spaces is the perfect amount of indent.

    void mmm(int i, String[] sss) {
      if (i < 0) {
         i = 0;

      if (sss == null) {
        sss = new String[0];

    P.Rizzi Ag.Mobilità Ambiente wrote:
    I use the ?: a lot!!!
I agree that an if/else is more readable, but in some situations the ?: is better.

    For example I use it to "normalize" method parameters:

    void mmm(int i,String[] sss)
        i = i < 0 ? 0 : i;
        sss = sss == null ? new String[0] : sss;

    The above is much more concise than:

    void mmm(int i,String[] sss)
        if( i < 0 )
            i = 0;

        if( sss == null )
            sss = new String[0];

    and I don't find it any less readable...

    Sure enough in other cases an if/else is much better!!!

    Paolo Rizzi

    -----Messaggio originale-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] conto di Paul
    Inviato: mercoledì 2 luglio 2008 18.35
    A: OpenJump develop and use
    Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] Style Sheet For Java FOSS Coding

I think that using an if/.else statement is much more readable than the ?: operator.

It's just another one of those coding religious wars such as if the { should be on the same or the next line.


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