I must have forgot the attachments. They are at my computer at work.
I'll resend them on Monday.

I must clarify that the changes I want to commit to the core have
nothing to do with the Docking Window Framework or any other GUI
changes. There just some clean-up and improvements of the TaskFrame
class. I did things like organize all of the public, private, and
protected methods together, and added Javadoc comments for all of the
public methods.

Stefan wrote: "sorry, I have not found the time yet to read all your
emails on that subject"

The only real  "functional code changes" I made are the following four
(4) changes:

- I removed the setTask method that was added by Paul. This seemed
prudent because the only time to set a Task is during TaskFrame
creation. Paul added the method so that he could use a plug-in to add
Docking Windows support. I didn't think this would be necessary now
that I have a task frame class that Paul can use with Docking Window
support built in. I think the setTask method is a bad idea because it
will throw an Exception if used and anytime other than during the
creation of the TaskFrame. If we want to support custom TaskFrame
  we should use a true Factory Pattern.

- I allowed the CursorTool.cancelGesture method to be called when a
TaskFrame is being closed. As I mentioned previously, not calling this
method could lead to bugs/memory leaks in future CursorTool

- I added a member variable and an accessor method so that client code
could determine if a TaskWindow was a clone of another TaskWindow.

- I implemented InternalFrameListener instead of having a hidden
InternalFrameAdapter class definition. I did this because it makes the
code easier to read and understand. It has no effect on the operation
of the program.

Stefan wrote: "So commit rules will be
more strict in terms of agreement and outlining the absolutely necessity
of those changes and the expected problems with backwards compatibility
[e.g plugins]. I may refer here to emails by Sascha Teichmann.
Up to now there is still the wise saying: "never touch a running system." "

As long as everyone else has to play by the same rules. If I'm getting
special treatment I should at least know the reason. (I'll gladly
accept suggestions or recommendations that deal with technical issues
in my source code.)

Just to make it clear, I'm not adding the Docking Window Support to
OpenJUMP with these changes. That will be done in my own fork.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 4:51 PM, Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Landon,
> before you commit such changes I would like to
> a) review it (sorry, I have not found the time yet to read all your
> emails on that subject), which may need some time.
> b) get an agreement by other programmers [Larry, Paul, Andreas, Michael]
> that these changes are of benefit.
> c) know which changes are absolutely necessary to get the docking
> framework to run [why did you chose the this framework?]
> d) know about expected compatibility issues.
> Note: this is a core-change and not just simply a new function or plugin
> (or am I wrong and you proposed an addition). So commit rules will be
> more strict in terms of agreement and outlining the absolutely necessity
> of those changes and the expected problems with backwards compatibility
> [e.g plugins]. I may refer here to emails by Sascha Teichmann.
> Up to now there is still the wise saying: "never touch a running system."
> Btw: I miss your attached files and an additional description outlining
> the changes.
> stefan
> Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>> I've attached the two (2) source code files with some of my recent
>> clean-up/changes. (This doesn't include any of the docking window
>> framework or look-and-feel changes.) Please review my changes to these
>> two (2) classes if you have concerns before I commit to the core.
>> I'll commit next week if there are no strong objections to my changes.
>> The Sunburned Surveyor
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