I have finished porting over SkyJUMP's Multi-Ring Buffer tool.  It is
similar to the ESRI tool shown at:
I it was only when I started porting the tool and was trying to
decide on a standardized name that I learned that the same tool was already
available in ArcGIS.  Ring buffers are designed to divide space into zones
of distance ranges.  Unlike normal buffers, they do not overlap the inner
areas.  I think they could be particularly effective in point data proximity
algorithms.  When multiple features are selected, the equal distance Ring
Buffers from each feature are unioned.  The tool is presented in the hope
that someone will find a general use for it.  We use it for generating areas
of standardized risk.

@Stefan, I didn't add the tool to OpenJumpConfiguration since you are
working on that right now.  It would be an ideal candidate for the new
workbench-properties.xml file, but I couldn't find one of those under SVN.
Did I miss it?   Anyhow here is the line to add if you want to try it out.
I make the usual apologies for the hacked translations.


Larry Becker
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