
It would also be good to skim the developer guide for the original
JUMP program. Some of the material is outdated, but a great deal of it
still applies to OpenJUMP:

If you are eager to get started with the code we will be working with
the Plug-In Interface and AbstractPlugIn class from OpenJUMP. Also the
LineString class from JTS.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Sunburned Surveyor
<> wrote:
> Dmitrii,
> I'm glad to hear you would like to move forward with learning how to
> write a plug-in. I'm going to copy our message to the developers
> mailing list so that other subscribers might benefit. I think you'll
> find writing a plug-in isn't much harder than "hello world". :] Some
> programming skills will definitely help you in your pursuit of
> cartography, and OpenJUMP may become your favorite mapping program. :]
> There are two things we need to do to get you started. Some of this
> you may have already done. I'm at work right now, so I don't have a
> lot of time to talk. But I will give you a few things now.
> The first thing you need to do is install the tools you will need to
> write and compile that Java code for the plug-in. Most OpenJUMP
> programmers use and IDE called Eclipse. ( If
> you don't have a strong objection, I would use this tool to write the
> code for your plug-in. That will make it easier for us to work
> together. You could also use the IDE from Sun called Netbeans.
> ( If you want something lightweight, you
> could try something like JEdit ( or Notepad++.
> ( You'll also need a
> working installation of OpenJUMP and a Java Development Kit.
> It wouldn't hurt to download OpenJUMP's source code and bookmark the
> Javadoc for OpenJUMP which is here:
> It sounds like we'll be working with JTS geometry objects for your
> plug-in, so you'll also want to download the source code for JTS. (JTS
> is the geometry library that OpenJUMP uses.) You can find links to
> this code and the Javadoc for JTS here:
> I use the Javadoc a lot when I am writing plug-ins.
> The second thing we need to do is understand a little better what you
> want your plug-in to do. It sounds like you want to simplify
> lineStrings based on a user entered radius. Is this correct?
> Will the user be selecting a single lineString for simplification, or
> will they be processing all of features in a layer?
> Let me know when you get your development environment set up as
> described above. Then answer the questions about what your plug-in
> will do, and how the user will interact with it.
> Then we can start writing some code.
> The Sunburned Surveyor
> 2009/2/25 Zmitser Kozhukh <>:
>> Hello!
>> Thank you very much for your will to help me.
>> Honestly I don't have big experience with programming. Like many of my 
>> friends I was buying books about programming in Java, Python, C++ , but I 
>> never went further than first couple of chapters ( like how to write 
>> HelloWorld application, how to use certain functions, how to create some 
>> simple procedures, how to use else if than operators). That is because it 
>> was kinda meaningless (programming for the sake of programming) for me that 
>> time. Now however, I started to study cartography at university so the 
>> programming now can help to implement some of my ideas ( so now it isnt like 
>> programming for the sake of programming, but very help tool for implementing 
>> ideas :) ).
>> So yeah I will be glad if you guide me through the process of writing this 
>> plug-in and sure I will share it with everybody.
>> So how do we start?
>> best regards,
>>               Dmitrii
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sunburned Surveyor <>
>> To: Zmitser Kozhukh <>, JUMP Users Discussion 
>> <>
>> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 07:07:42 -0800
>> Subject: Re: [jump-users] question about scripting in JUMP
>>> Dmitrii,
>>> I'm gald to hear that you are interested in learning more about
>>> customizing OpenJUMP. There are two ways to do what you want. You can
>>> write a beanshell script, or you can write a plug-in.
>>> Both require a limited knowledge of Java. Beanshell is probably the
>>> easiest way to go, but learning to write a plug-in will give you more
>>> opportunities to customize and extend OpenJUMP in the future.
>>> If you are willing to learn how to write a plug-in, then I can walk
>>> you through the process myself. (You can also get plenty of help from
>>> this mailing list.) I only ask that you share your code with others
>>> when we are done. :]
>>> How much Java do you know? Do you have any programming experience?
>>> Let me know what you think. If you are ready to write a plug-in for
>>> OpenJUMP, I'll post a message with what you need to get started.
>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>> P.S. - It sounds like you are trying to simplify (or remove nodes)
>>> from a linear feature. There may already be existing code in OpenJUMP
>>> that does this. Perhaps one of the other programmers will respond with
>>> a message to let us know.
>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Zmitser Kozhukh <> wrote:
>>> > Hello!
>>> > I have just started to use JUMP and aquaint myself with programming.
>>> > So wanted to ask if someone can help me to write some simple script. For 
>>> > example, I have some line with points. Than I want to select starting 
>>> > point from this line, than to draw a circle with some fixed radius 
>>> > centered at that point, than connect with straight line initial point and 
>>> > point of intersection (between drawn circle and the line). Than do the 
>>> > same thing , i.e. to draw circle around the point of intersection, 
>>> > connect it with new intersection point and so on...
>>> > So anyone who knows how to script it please help. Or if someone knows 
>>> > some helpfull resources about scripting in JUMP please let me know.
>>> > Thank you in advance!
>>> > Dmitrii
>>> > _______________________________________________
>>> > jump-users mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >

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