Thanks Andreas and Marry Christmas (to all too)!!Peppe

--- Mer 23/12/09, Andreas Schmitz <> ha scritto:

Da: Andreas Schmitz <>
Oggetto: Re: [JPP-Devel] WMS url
A: "OpenJump develop and use" <>
Data: Mercoledì 23 dicembre 2009, 09:56

Giuseppe Aruta wrote:


> Hi all,WMS open window displays two urls by
> default:
> I open a new WMS, its url is added to the list. I wonder:a) where the
> default urls are storedb) where the new ones are storedThanks in
> advance for the replay.

the default ones are hardcoded in the Java source, and once OpenJUMP
exits, they are stored in the workbench-state.xml file under the key
AddWMSQueryPlugin.CACHED_URL. If you want to change the default URLs
displayed when making a new package, I recommend shipping a
workbench-state.xml with the respective values set there (if the key is
found, the hardcoded URLs are not displayed IIRC).

Best regards, Andreas
l a t / l o n  GmbH
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