
>  Nice to see your progress on a unit test framework setting.
> It would be good if it could help making a better separation between
> plugin parameters and ui stuff.

I think the other plugins should be refactored like you already refactored
UnionByAttributePlugIn. TestToolsTest.ExamplePlugInWithFields is
how it works with the refactored version and
is how it works with the old versoin of UnionByAttributePlugIn.

> Have you commit rights on the project's svn ?

Yes, Stefan already added me to the developers list:

The question is now, how to add the framework to the repository.
Adding it to the svn would be of course the best way to work together.

I might create a new branch and add the sourcecode as a new project
somewhere. Before that I would change the dependencies from the
test/lib directory to the core/lib directory and add core as a project
dependency to eclipse.

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