Hmm, sourceforge autoblocked my first reply attempt (from gmail, no less).
Anyone else having issues.

Thanks for the quick reply Michaël.

Is Copy Select Elements to New Layer the same as OpenJUMP's
> ReplicateSelectedItemsPlugIn (org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.edit) ?

ReplicateSelectedItemsPlugIn (yours, I think) has more sophisticated
checking for different schema on multiple layers, but it would need to be
modified to support external invocation from another plugin (not hard), or
I could just inline the needed code in Orthogonalize.

There is now a kml parser in JTS...

That is good news.  The one I wrote is based on the JUMP GML parser.  It
doesn't support hierarchical geometries (you'd think this would be easy,
but I didn't find it to be).



2012/2/29 Michaël Michaud <>

>  Hi,
> I have done a basic port of the Orthogonalize plugin from SkyJUMP to
> OpenJUMP.  Orthogonalize is a tool (currently on the right click menu) that
> squares up selected building polygons. Orthogonalization is the process of
> fixing polygons and multipolygons whose interior angles are close, but not
> exactly 90 degrees.  An angle tolerance parameter controls what we mean by
> not exactly.  You have the option of fixing in place on the source layer,
> or to a new layer.  Stefan looked at this tool a few years ago.
> Stefan, how does this tool compare with Mapgen toolbox?
>  The tool is dependent on another function: Copy Select Elements to New
> Layer.  I ported it too.  Some enhancement of the GeoUtils class was
> necessary.
> Is Copy Select Elements to New Layer the same as OpenJUMP's
> ReplicateSelectedItemsPlugIn (org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.edit) ?
> No internationalization has currently been done, but all messages are
> collected at the top of the source.
> I'm cross-posting this to the developers list.  @Developers: What do you
> think is the appropriate action?  Just commit it or make a new plugin
> hosted on jump-pilot?
> I like to have advanced options in extensions (generalization,
> corrections, simplification... can lead to a lot of advanced functions).
> But we can discuss with others wether or not it should be included in the
> core.
> @Arnd, the KLM support is another story.  Michael had a look at it a few
> months back.  As I recall, the coordinate translation to geographic
> projection is the issue.
> Right, I had a look at it. I noticed 3 points :
> - Projections : as far as I can remember, kml files can be I/O as
> geographic or UTM
> coordinates. You are right, this is a limitation. But we can suppose that
> OpenJUMP
> users use Ede's CTS or another tool for transformations (I use my own for
> french
> projections).
> - I also had a look at the code, and noticed that geometry  is parsed by
> your own code.
> There is now a kml parser in JTS and I thought that it would simplify the
> code if we
> could use it (started to do this, but as you know, days are only 24 hours
> and weeks
> only 7 days ;-)
> - Last point is that the first kml I really wanted to parse failed to be
> parsed (I think
> this is because it was hierarchically structured with several folders
> included in each
> others (do not know if it is not conform or if it is a limitation of the
> parser).
> That said, the plugin works fine for simple kml files. I included it in an
> "extension"
> available on
> and if other users have a good experience with it and want it to be
> uploaded on
> sourceforge right now, I'll do it.
> Michaël
> regards,
> Larry
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Stefan Steiniger <>wrote:
>> Hi Arnd,
>> yes, it means you can use an old one.
>> there should be no disadvantages - except maybe that you can not use ecw
>> images. I think most of the changes where done to find the right Java path
>> (in case you have several java versions) and to ensure that the jpg2000 and
>> ecw drivers are found. As long as all the plugins are there that you want -
>> it should be fine ;)
>> However, if you have windows, you may just download the link to the bat
>> file that Ede sent (if you can download bat files with the security
>> settings).
>> cheers,
>>  stefan
>> On 27/02/2012 1:56 PM, Arnd Kielhorn wrote:
>>> Hello Larry,
>>> from the ISA-plugin I am espec. using OrthogonalizePlugIn and
>>> KML-Support.
>>> And we use the Workbench-properties.xml also for some non-free plugins.
>>> Stefan meant that I can use the old startup script which references the
>>> Workbench-properties.xml to use its functionality. I tested it with OJ
>>> 1.5.1 and it works what I can see. The question is: is there any
>>> disavantages using the old startup script instead of the new?
>>> If not, I can use the old one.
>>> Arnd
>>>  I didn't think there were any features left in the ISA-plugin that
>>>> hadn't
>>>> been incorporated into OJ.  If there are, perhaps we should just port
>>>> them
>>>> over.  I think ArcSDE support is available as a stand alone plugin.
>>>> @Arnd, what features do you still use?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Larry
>>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:50 AM,<>  wrote:
>>>>  On 27.02.2012 09:59, Arnd Kielhorn wrote:
>>>>>> Am 26.02.12 08:16, schrieb Arnd Kielhorn:
>>>>>>>   Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> could it be that the workbench-properties.xml is not referenced
>>>>>>>>>    in
>>>>> OJ
>>>>>>   1.5.1 ?
>>>>>>>>>   yes, but only not in the start script
>>>>>    I use the ISA-plugin which need entries in
>>>>>>>>>   workbench-properties.xml to
>>>>>>   work.
>>>>>>>>>>    who is actually maintaining, developing the isa tools? the
>>>>> link on
>>>>> is dead.
>>>>> we have older releases than 2.5 here
>>>>> actually the proper fix would be add an extension that loads the
>>>> plugins.
>>>>> but adding bin/workbench-properties.xml to the jump parameters in start
>>>>> scripts if it exists won't hurt either.
>>>>> please try
>>>>> ..ede
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