I try to clarify Praveen's question. Points on geological maps are manu
things,included strike/deep of geological layers. Those layers are  often
inclined comparing to the vertical. Each point expresses two datas: the
deep (how many degrees the layer is inclined) and the deepdirection (which
is basically the azimuth referencing North). If you consider the geological
layer, this intersects the horizon layer to a line, perpendicular to the
deep direction, which is called Strike:Basically a POINT geological layer
schema has minimim 4 attributes: DEEP (how many degrees is inclined to the
horizontal plane), DEEP DIRECTION (whic is the direction of the deep),
STRIKE (perpendicular to DEEP DIRECTION, thedirection (clockwise) of the
line intersectrion of geololgical layer with the horizontal layer), TYPE
(the tipe of information, not imnpoetant for this discussion)
Now Project Points plugin allows to project point datas perpendicular to
the line, while on a geological section points (layers) have to be
projected according to the intersection of the strike line and the target
I hope I was clear (after a glass of red wine:happy new year to all


2012/12/31 Landon Blake <sunburned.surve...@gmail.com>

> Praveen:
> I'm trying to clarify what you are asking for. You don't want a
> perpendicular projection onto the line?
> Landon
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Praveen Sinha <pks...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> PLUG INS>TOPOLOGY>Project Point on LINE is a nice tool in 1.52 OJ but for
>> its use in making of geological sections reqires Orthogonal Projection (to
>> a point on the line with change in Y and not X) than nearest point on line.
>> If it could be developed in 1.6 it will have be appreciated, thanks in
>> advance.
>> P.K.Sinha
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