
We have both done this thing so long that we know that there is no posting 
method (top/bottom/inline) that suits for every use case and makes everybody 
happy.  Inline suits this, I agree.

> > ---Detect maximum memory limit---
> > set Xmx to 1024M (32 bit jre maximum)
> > ---Start OJ---
> > Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough
> > space for object heap
> > Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
> > Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
> >
> > The script assumes it has found java from windows\system32
> >     "Using 'java' found in 'c:\Windows\System32\'"
> > However, there is no java in that directory.
> >
> ok. first please answer inline or below. that makes quoting so much easier.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posting_style#Choosing_the_proper_posting_style
> wrt. to the "wrong" java binary. there is, but only using as the script says 
> above
> Wow64.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WoW64
> 32bit dll's on win64 are despite the name located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64,
> while 64bit dlls reside in C:\Windows\System32 . ok, right system files in 
> general,
> not only libraries.
> because these folders are always in the execute PATH newer java installers 
> place
> binaries in these folders which in turn find their counterpart under Programs\
> and run that.
> ergo, the java is correct. the error says
> "
> > Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough
> > space for object heap
> > Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
 > Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

I see, there are java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 

> so, as asked before ;)
> A. how much memory have you built-in and free.

8 gigabytes and 5 GB free.

> B. does that also happen when the system is started afresh?

No.   The default oj_windows.bat works after restart. But now I know that it 
has nothing to do with amount of memory or restarting the computer. This is a 
funny story.

I have my favourite OJ which I use all the time and I start is almost always 
with my computer. It is version 3131 (200121212) and I launch it with setting
set JAVA_HOME=C:\ohjelmat\Java\jre6

If this OpenJUMP r3131 is running, then the default oj_windows.bat cannot start 
new OpenJUMP r3587. However, if I edit the bat of the new version to use also 
set JAVA_HOME=C:\ohjelmat\Java\jre6, it starts. If I close r3131, r3587 starts 
with the default oj_windows.bat. This is something I can reproduce every time.

Also, if I still use the default batch file and start 3587 first and then 3131, 
I can launch more 3587 versions so that I can have 6  OpenJUMPs open, one of 
those r3131 and 5 r3587.
What definitely fails is to launch 3131 first and try to launch r3587 then with 
the standard oj_windows.bat.

So, perhaps oj_windows.bat used for launching r3131 is doing something that 
baffles r3687 launch script? This must be very uncommon issue and I do not 
believe (m)any other users will ever suffer from it.


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